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Paid Autosurfing - Compound Vs Withdraw By Jody Molloy, Mon Dec 5th
Autosurf programs' compounding and withdrawal policies arepossibly the most controversial issues throughout the industry. Understandably so. The old systems clearly didn't work(compounding was typically ALLOWED to happen on a DAILY basis ifthe member had enough earnings to do so. This soon becametotally unsustainable for webmasters) so new programs withoptional alternatives have emerged as surprising favourites. This has forced webmasters with traditional autosurf businessmodels to progressively follow suit.
Since the industry had suffered a mini-collapse, (as discussedin one of my previous articles, Paid Autosurfing - A BriefHistory) compounding terms and policies have mostly undergonedramatic change in the form of restriction of compoundingfrequency. Now with nearly 500 programs in the industry, to our estimationonly 1 - 2% allows compounding more than once a month, usuallyon a designated day or two. The varying compounding andwithdrawal policies should be studied closely and used tomaximum advantage wherever possible. This can often be the difference between your strategy beingoptimized for you and one that works in the favour of theprogram administrator. Try studying the dates of when compounding and withdrawals areallowed and match them against the expiry dates of yourupgrade(s). This will provide the parameters to do themathematics and project your earnings so that you can ensurethat you will able to qualify for either or both when the timecomes. Use a software program (Excel spreadsheets are perfect) tocreate schedule of payments, compounds, and withdrawal requests.Keep accurate records of the dates of all your activity and keepa regularly updated "copy and paste" of your Account History. Always consider your compounds as an out-of-pocket expense.After all, if you didn't compound your earnings then,theoretically, you should be able to withdraw them. Keep in mind that brings into play a whole bunch of otherpolicies. Most autosurf programs have a minimum cashout amount(usually in the range of $10 to $50) and it is possible to falla day outside of the deadline for requests if you do not haveenough
earnings to do so. This should configure heavily when assessing your risk strategyand when deciding the amount of your initial upgrade. My initialupgrades usually allow me to qualify for either choice withinthe first month or two. That is the strategy I recommend if you don't have a problemwith aggressive speculation and ensuring that you maximize yourupgrades' earning potential by surfing every day. Every day youmiss is money you will never earn again. Keep in mind that some autosurf programs don't allow you tocompound AND withdraw in the same month. Some also have longdelays between when a withdrawal is requested and when it can behonoured. As a general rule of thumb, any more than 30 days isunacceptable in my view and I personally wouldn't upgrade anyfurther (cash or compound) until the webmaster caught up withpayments. I would immediately cease and desist all forms ofadvertising I may have active for that program at that time. Some programs also don't have on-request compounds, even whenthe compounding "gateway" is open. Administrator controlledcompounding is becoming more widely used because it can furtherrestrict the earning potential of the surfer. Some programs don't allow compounding at all. In this case it isalways your prerogative to re-invest your withdrawals once youhave received them. On the surface, this would seem like a case of "penny-pinching"webmasters to some people. The reality is, the SURFERS are atthe mercy of the webmasters' whims (until such time as aneffective industry regulator is appointed) and would be bestsuited to re-assess your continued involvement in each programas and when program policies evolve beyond your acceptance. For this reason, it is always prudent to keep your upgradelevels reasonably low and spread them out over as many programsas you feel comfortable with. To Your Success! About the author:Jody is co-webmaster of Australian Online and hasbeen actively successful with utilising autosurfing programs asa passive income and advertising source for nearly three years.For further guidance watch for more articles based on hisobservations or visit andjoin our mailing list for regular updates, consultations andmentoring.