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Make Your Own Internet Money Machine
By shuth, Tue Dec 6th has a good reputations and testimonials. Manyhave been paid instantly upon payment. All you have to do is runsurf4spots on your PC for less than one hour each day. When youuse surf4spots, the websites will appear automatically in thebrowser window, and will not interfere with your work. It's easyto surf 100 websites or more with surf4spots. All it takes isfrom 20 minutes to an hour per day, depending on your computer.Plus, you can promote your website(s) or referall links, becauseother members will be looking at your website(s) at the sametime. You get all this for free! Members have already been paidtens of thousands of dollars in earnings. Join in now! You get$10 to start and you get paid 1% of the moey in your accounteveryday. You can make over 3k a month. $100=$1a day $1000=$10 day You get 1% of the money in your accounteveryday.

If none of this makes sense to you, then read this, it takes 5minutes and it's well worth it:

What is Studio Traffic and how do I make money for it?

First off, Studio Traffic is an autosurf site. This means StudioTraffic will pay you to have their partners' sites load in aseparate window. The best part is, you don't even have to lookat the sites. The sites will change every 15 seconds and whenthey do, you will get credit for surfing 1 site. After you getcredit for surfing 100 sites, this will happen in roughly 25minutes, you will be paid for a days work. While you areautosurfing, you can just minimize the window, and continuedoing what you usually do on the Internet. During this 25minutes, I usually walk my dog or do the laundry.

How much money can I make?

The great part about Studio Traffic is that you decide how muchyou make! Every day that you autosurf 100 sites, you will make 1percent of your investment. So let's say you invested $100, youwill make $1 everyday and $30 every month. In 4 months you wouldhave made $120 and would have made back your investment. In ayear, you will make 365% of your investment back. So if youinvested $1000, you would have made $3650 back!

Now, here is where even more money is made. You get 10% of allthe money that people who you brought to the site invest. Solet's say you invested no money, but you brought 10 people tothe site. Now these ten people invested $100 each the firstmonth. You will get $200! They love the system, so the nextmonth, they decide to invest $1000. You will make $2000. Nowlet's say you took the $2200 you made from those 10 people andinvested it into your account. You will now

make $22 a day, and$666 a month.

You can compound your earnings to make more money. This means ifyou invested $100 the first month then you will make $30. BUT,sense you compounded your earnings, this $30 is added on to your$100 investment giving you a $130 investment for the next month.The next month you will make $40 and this will be added to the$130 and give you $170. By the 12th month you should have $1,060invested.

What's all out investing?

About 30 percent of people on Studio Traffic do all outinvesting. It is investing $10,000 into one account and getting$36,500 at the end of the year. One person has about 8 accountswith $10,000 invested in it, and makes about $300,000 yearly.

The rules are: The maximum you can invest is $10,000. You areallowed multiple accounts, only if you used different emailaddresses to sign up.

Here are some more common questions

How does the site make money and how do I know they willpay me?

They are like the Google of autosurf. They get paid lots ofmoney by advertising. Also they have about 6 accountants whomanage the funds. When people upgrade, that pays for people whowithdraw money.. So by setting a cap on how many people canupgrade and how many people can withdraw a month, they canensure that you will get paid.

The site has a few sister sites:

StudioPay: (It's a PayPal type of site, most members use thissite to add the money they made into a bank account.)

Studiowalker: Sells the famous "online business in a box."

All the commissions from these sites are put in an emergencypool which will be used to pay members if anything bad happens.So far this pool has enough to pay all its members for 7 months!So if the Internet shut down for 7 months, everyone would stillget paid!

Can I have some proof?

Here is their proof forum.


Okay I am convinced, how do I sign up?

Sign Up Using This Link:

I am still not convinced, can you further prove the system?

Sure can! Sign up for yourself, you will get a free $10. Usethis to autosurf and you will get 1% daily.

About the author:shuth is the webmaster with 6 years experience in web design &development. is the new project by him which is provide information forinternet & computing terms. Also own..


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