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In Defense Of Workaholism
By Brian K Grinonneau, Mon Dec 5th

Workaholics are oft-times maligned and to be sure, alwaysmisunderstood. Most amateur psychologists, disguised as lesssuccessful, unmotivated co-workers or relatives, diagnose theproblem as one of escapism; escape from a poor home life,damaged self esteem or whatever other topic is hot on the Dr.Phil or Oprah circuit. The truth is we all need workaholics andwe should all try to become one. A workaholic is the lifebloodof a business. He or she is the 20% that performs 80% of thework. Consider the positive traits: Arises and begins work earlyStays late taking on additional assignments Is fanaticallyfocused on the task at hand Avoids negatives at all cost Isoptimistic Takes full responsibility Is a perfectionist Strivesfor personal success Is always learning Carefully manages timeNever uses the terms, 'can't, 'no" or 'I don't know"Workaholics, aside from laudable career achievements,

arecounted on as the most reliable when it comes to sharing timefor charitable functions. They are envied for theirwell-manicured lawns, mirror-polished autos, tailored fashionsand the ability to throw memorable parties. A workaholic,contrary to popular sentiment, is also well connected to lovedones and works equally hard at personal relationships. For thosecontent to trudge along at far less than full potential, don'tcriticize the workaholics. Instead try to emulate them. Onlythen will you appreciate and understand.

About the author:Brian Grinonneau is the general manager of McMann and TateAdvertising in Perrysburg, Ohio. His firm specializes in helpingsmall business owners cut through the clutter in a crowdedadvertising marketplace.


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