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Paid Autosurfing - Develop A Risk Strategy For Maximum Profits.
By Jody Molloy, Mon Dec 5th

All income producing online ventures bear SOME risk. Autosurfingfor cash is certainly no different and should probably beconsidered amongst the most volatile of arenas. However, thereare a couple of ways to reduce that risk and create your owncomfort zone.

Most importantly, you should spread your "investments" out overas many autosurf programs as you feel comfortable with. Youshould also take the time to educate yourself in identifying thehallmarks of PTS programs that are not being administeredprofessionally. When these strategies are employed, one may gaina valuable insight into the "mechanics" of autosurfing programswhilst maintaining a safe "investment" harbour.

Just as most autosurfers have, you will learn to develop anaffinity with your favourite programs (those will most likely bethe programs that consistently pay and obviously anequally negative opinion of some others. The most importantfactors to consider when deciding whether or not to join orleave any program will largely depend on your level of exposureto accurate information (much of the information you willdiscover is highly opinionative and therefore subjective), butwill soon develop almost into something instinctual.

When you come across a paid autosurf program you've notpreviously encountered, try searching the brief information thatis usually on the main page, first, before going straight intothe Terms of Service and/or the Frequently Asked Questions page.The first point you will notice is that some sites are good atproviding full information while others are seriously lacking.

If these pages are highly informative, interesting andstructured, then there's a reasonable chance that they will bearound for a while. If either of these pages appearsplagiaristic (from another autosurf) or doesn't correlate withstatements made on other pages, you should probably avoid it.

Another way to ascertain a programs worthiness is to search themany and varied industry monitor sites and forums. There are afew online resources that allow you to gain backgroundinformation about most domains too. A site such as has searchable information about websitedomain registrants. Keep in mind that this database is notconclusive as some webmasters may be using a friend orrelatives' name and details or even have their personal detailssecured.

A certain avenue by which one program dominates over another, inmy mind, is if the administrator of the program providesdetailed reports on where their members upgrade money isinvested and how

the monthly payout commitments are going to bemet in a timely manner. This move cannot be underestimated forgenerating credibility

Several things should soon become apparent after joining anautosurf program:

How often does the webmaster send out email updates?

How long does it take for upgrades to be added to your account?

Is the webmaster responding to emails in a timely and efficientmanner?

Are the rules being changed frequently to the detriment of themembers?

Are cashout requests being honoured in a timely fashion?

Most surfers would probably consider cashout policy as mostimportant. When requesting a withdrawal, you will most likelywant your cash as soon as possible. You may require learningsome patience here.

Some autosurfs only permit withdrawals to be requested at thestart of each month, but also need several days to transfer therequired funds to their payment processing accounts. Waiting forperiods greater than a week to receive your money is nottypical, and should be closely scrutinized if it becomeshabitual.

When properly administered, autosurf programs SHOULD havesufficient cash-flow to meet monthly withdrawal commitmentswithin 7 days. If you do not receive your withdrawal requestwithin 1 month from request (usually minus a withdrawal fee),there is a sure danger looming and it would be prudent torefrain from upgrading further into that program until such timeas the admin gets their act together and makes timely paymentswith which to redeem themselves in the eyes of the members.

Of course, if all members did that then it would most likelyspell "curtains" for any program, but, better to have itdisappear earlier rather than later.

To summarise:

(1)Spread your investments out over as many programs as youfeel comfortable with.

(2)Learn to identify troublesome behaviour patterns.

(3)Make sure you familiarize yourself with ALL programconditions of use.

(4)Seek others opinions but beware of personal agendas.

(5)Utilise online resources to assist you in making the bestinformed decision for you.

(6)Don't be afraid to ask questions of the Administrator - youmay be surprised at how open they will be.

(7)If you have any remaining doubts after performing duediligence, it is probably best to forget it.

Happy Surfing!!

About the author:Jody is co-webmaster of Australian Online and is asuccessfully experienced and active autosurfer for nearly 3years. He is an active contributor to various businessnetworking communities both online and offline. For furtherguidance and mentoring please visit us at


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