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Not All Ringtone Plans Are Worth It By Jeff Lakie As the cell phone market continues to evolve you can expert that companies that like to provide accessories for cell phone users will continue to change in order to keep up with the times. Headsets and holders are two areas always in a state of flux but so are as monophonic have given way to polyphonic which are now being overtaken by MP3 ringtones. Cell phone manufacturers are producing the latest and greatest models and consumers are snapping them up in a flash. Not all ringtone offers are worth getting, however. In a bid to save yourself some money you could be stuck with a lousy contract. Read on to learn how to avoid being taken.
Everyone likes a free gift or two or three, but when the gift comes with major strings attached, you know that you are actually paying for it in the end. Some ringtone plans are not the deal that you think that they are. You could be enticed by a free ringtone every month or a free joke sent to your cell phone, but if you look at the contract a little closer you will find that you will be paying $19.95 per month for with a one year commitment. Now, don’t get me wrong: paying $240 per year for isn’t hard to do. In fact, if you download a
ringtone here and ringtone there, then you’ll easily pay more than that over the course of the year. Still, at nearly $20 per month you can do better than that.
Most decent plans start at around $10 per month and give to you up to fifteen credits towards downloads monthly. Throw in a few extra free just for signing up and you have a deal on your hands. Maybe you can avoid a lengthy contract agreement too. If that can be done, then go with the plan that offers more music for less money and without the attendant hassles of an agreement that just may outlast your cell phone contract anyway.
Ringtones accounted for more than half of the digital music downloads in 2005 according to music industry experts. With over 500 million dollars in ringtone sales in 2005, it won’t be long before this infancy industry hits the one billion dollar per year mark. Just don’t do your part by paying too much for ringtones! Jeff Lakie is an avid freelance writer who especially loves writing about ring tone . For more information regarding take a quick peek at our site today.