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Flirting By Touch By rebook, Fri Dec 9th
Another person's touch is the most soothing form of contact thatyour body will even encounter... even when it makes you nervousor uncomfortable, you the feel of a woman's touch. This iscommonly referred to as "kino".
This works both ways... a woman loves a man's touch (if doneproperly), and YOU can learn how to use touching to youradvantage to get the women that you want into bed!
Want to learn how? Keep reading...
Nothing sends across the message "I'm attracted to you" strongerthan when a woman touches you repeatedly during conversation, itis the oldest and most powerful flirting technique that theworld has ever seen. It makes you immediately warm up to her,get a very good feeling about her, and raises your interest inher significantly, doesn't it?
But why does it have this effect on you? How can you go frombeing slightly interested in a woman to being just shy ofinfatuated with her after a series of light touches andrubs?
You see, our minds are naturally programmed to respond to humantouch in a positive way, which makes it a huge influence on whowe are attracted to... even more so than what we see, hear, orsmell. That means that by simply touching a woman correctly youcan makes her more attracted to you than you could ever do withyour looks, your words, and your cologne... combined!
Because of the structure of todays
society, many of us are notas accustomed to touching as we should be, so much so that whensomeone we do not know very well DOES touch us, it comes as asurprise... a surprise that we won't soon forget.
Can you remember when a woman you had recently met was flirtingwith you by touch?
I'm sure you can.
She made a lasting impression on you, did she not? Just the factthat you still remember this woman demonstrates just howpowerful touching can really be!
Now wouldn't you like to be able to have that same effect on thewoman that you desire? The ability to make a first impression onher that is so strong that she will never forget about you? Damnright you would!
That is exactly what you'll learn to do with my Simple SeducerSystem. It is the most complete guide to picking up women EVERwritten, and I'm so confident that it will work for you thatI'll give you the entire package completely FREE if you do notmeet 10 hot women within 90 days!
Go to and see what I'm talking about, you have nothingto lose and a world of women to gain!
By Sebastian Steele Author : FlirtingBy Touch About the author:The author is a specialist in the field of sex for the past 8years. for more details visit : FlirtingBy Touch - Guide To Success With Women!