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A Lightning-fast Way To Grab Graphics For Your Website
By Ron Hutton, Sat Dec 10th

Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton

Just the right photo or graphic strategically placed on yourwebsite can go a very long way to achieving the desired effect,whether it's motivating someone to spend their money, click alink, download a free report or just keep reading. However,finding graphics that are available for your use withoutcopyright infringement can be a real challenge when you don'twant to pay a huge subscription fee for access to professionalphotos and graphics.

NOTE: This article has a free companion video tutorial thatdemonstrates how to quickly and easily grap copyright-freegraphics for use on your website. The video can be viewed here:

As a marketer or webmaster you surely appreciate the fact thatoriginal graphics works on your website belong to you and as faras everyone else is concerned, the sign says "Hands Off". It'sonly fair. If your blood, sweat, tears and moolah went into thecreation of your site's graphics, you'd be upset if you foundthat someone else had blatantly stolen your copyrighted work andwas using it for their own commercial purposes. That's just notcool.

So, where can you go to find photos and graphics that you canuse without having to spend an arm and a leg? Here are a coupleof sites that offer tons of copyright-free pictures:


I learned of Stock.xchng from another marketer and if I couldremember this person's name, I'd gladly give him credit. I'vefound the inventory of photographs available at Stock.xchng tobe excellent, especially consider the cost! Here's what you'llread on their home page...

"Welcome to Stock.XCHNG, the leading FREE stock photo site!

Whether you just want to browse our huge image gallery or wantto share your personal photos with others, this is the site foryou!

Browse through the categories of our huge gallery containingover 100,000 quality stock photos by more than 9,000 users! Needa wallpaper for your desktop? Need a pic for your commercialwebsite design? Looking for inspiration? Have a look around."



The following two paragraphs are quoted from here:

"Wikipedia was created on January 15, 2001 by founders JimmyWales, Larry Sanger, and some enthusiastic collaborators. Threeyears later, as of December 2004, there were 13,000 activecontributors working on over 1,800,000 articles in more than 100languages. As of today, there are 700,437 articles in English;every day hundreds of thousands of visitors from around theworld make tens of thousands of edits and create thousands ofnew articles to enhance the amount of knowledge held by theWikipedia encyclopedia.

All text in Wikipedia, and most images and other content, iscovered by the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).Contributions remain the property of their creators, while theGFDL license ensures the content will remain freelydistributable and reproducible (see the copyright notice and thecontent disclaimer for more information)"

You'll find additional supporting documents and links todocuments explaining the terms of use for graphics available atWikipedia. You may find this site to be very useful.

So, now you've found a photograph that suits your purposesperfectly, but it's provided in a high resolution file formatthat just won't resize well. You've tried altering the imagedimensions in your photo editing software and the resultingimage quality is just plain poor. Now what?

My favorite program that solves this problem is call Snag-It.This outstanding little piece of software offers lots of slicktools and features, but as it applies to this discussion, thesimple screen capture function is indispensible. Moreinformation on Snag-It is available here: and the following video will show youjust how quickly and easily Snag-It will give you the perfectgraphic for your website. Go here to watch a short demonstrationof Snag-It:

About the author:Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with apassion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThriveOnline", for Free Video Tutorials for Internet Marketing and bigjuicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings.Free Video Tutorial Archives Here:


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