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How To Use Tracking To Keep Income Incoming
By Ron Hutton, Sat Dec 10th

Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton

The use of tracking links in the following scenario puts you incomplete control when someone else makes a change that affectsyour webpages, your links on other peoples' sites, or your linksin ebooks or ecourses already in circulation. Additionally, thepotential time savings in editing the pages that are within yourcontrol can add up to hours and hours saved for you.

NOTE: This article has a free companion video tutorial thatdemonstrates how to quickly and easily put yourself in completecontrol of your hard earned traffic. The video can be viewedhere:

Here's the scenario...

1) You're promoting someone else's product as an affiliate.

2) You've built and uploaded multiple web pages with thisaffiliate link long ago.

3) You've written an ecourse with the affiliate link includedin multiple messages.

4) You've created a viral ebook that's been downloaded 5,000times in the last 9 months and it includes this affiliate link.

Now, everything is rolling along quite nicely and you receivean email message from the owner / creator of this affiliateprogram advising you that they are launching new affiliatesoftware on a new server and it will mean that your oldaffiliate links will no longer work - effective tomorrow. Ouch.

Without the use of tracking links, you'll need to...

- Find every web page where this affiliate link is located,edit the pages and upload the updated versions.

- Edit your ecourse messages with the new revised affiliatelink and update your autoresponder.

- Forget about all your hard work invested in creating yourviral ebook because you can't recall the ebooks and there's noway to remotely fix the affiliate link.

Not only is this all quite unfortunate,

but it's going to costyou time and potential income lost. So, how can you avoidgetting in this situation in the first place? Here's the goodnews...

The solution that puts you in complete control is the use oftracking links. Instead of using the affiliate URL to linkdirectly to the product or service, be the middle man with yourown tracking link. Here's how the traffic will flow...

1) Traffic lands on your web page and clicks the link youprovide, which is a tracking link.

2) The visitor is directed to your tracking program, which inturn redirects the traffic to the affiliate program.

Simple enough, right? Absolutely.

The real beauty of this is that when you get the message fromthe affiliate program administrator announcing the news of theirwonderful new affiliate program and your updated link, you say"Hey, cool. No problem." You log into your tracking program'sadmin panel, edit the target URL for your tracking link and yourwork is done in 60 seconds flat.

No editing and uploading of web pages. No editing or updatingof autoresponders. No lost income from broken links in yourviral ebook. It's a beautiful thing.

The scenario will happen. It's only a matter of time. Will yoube able to successfully make all necessary adjustments in 60seconds or will you be scrambling for hours? The answer is inyour decision whether or not you use tracking links.

To view the free companion video tutorial that demonstrates howto quickly and easily put yourself in complete control of yourhard earned traffic, go here:

About the author:Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with apassion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThriveOnline", for Free Video Tutorials for Internet Marketing and bigjuicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings.Free Video Tutorial Archives Here:


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