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Budapest, Hungary - An Incredible City
By Rick Chapo, Thu Dec 8th

Located in Eastern Europe, Hungary is diverse and beautifulcountry. The undisputed treasure of the country is Budapest.

Budapest - A Tale of Three Cities

Over 2,000 years old, Budapest is a large city containing tracesof the various forces that have ruled it over time. Romans,Turks, Goths and many others have conquered the city. Somehow,the various influences work in such a way as to make the citysparkle.

In a bit of trivia, Budapest was historically considered threecities. The three cities were Pest, Obuda and Buda. Althoughgrouped together, the cities were naturally divided by theDanube River which forks in the middle of the city. In 1873, thethree cities were combined into one and given the Budapest name.

Although Budapest has more attractions than could possible becovered in one article, here are a few must see locations.

Buda Castle

Sitting on top of a hill and towering over the Danube, the BudaCastle is stunning. Construction started under the guidance ofKing Bela IV in the 14th century and was expanded upon

by laterrulers. Medieval times, however, saw the castle burned, looted,demolished, bombed with cannon balls and ransacked. Each time,new rulers rebuilt.

Visiting Buda Castle is like stepping back into the heights ofthe renaissance. The Castle is adorned with red marblestairways, gothic facades, bastions and epic statutesoverlooking the Danube. The fountains around the Castle simplycan't be described with words.


Budapest sits over a tectonic plate fault line, which usually isa bad thing. In this case, however, the location of the citycorresponds with a plethora of hot mineral springs. EnterprisingHungarians have build spas on the springs and are open forbusiness. The spas are "over the top" with an opera house feel.Floating around peacefully, one feels like European royalty.

If you are traveling to Europe, plan on devoting a week toBudapest. For those in love with Prague, one visit to Budapestmay change your mind.

About the author:Rick Chapo is with - makers oftravel journals. Writing journals are the perfect travelaccessories. Visit to read moretravel articles and travelogues.


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