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Hello From Javea
By Susanne Pacher, Thu Dec 8th

Tuesday, September 21, 2004, 5:40 pm

We just arrived in the little port town of Javea, about 75 kmsouth of Valencia. Yesterday we drove down the coast fromBarcelona, stopped in Tarragona for a lovely little lunch andhad a quick peak at the remains of the Roman walls. We couldn´tfind the supposedly well preserved amphitheatre though....

We made our way south along the N340 to a town called Peñiscola,a beautiful jewel on a peninsula sticking out into theMediterranean. We stayed in a beautiful little hotel along thewaterfront (for Euro 37 each) and had a great dinner at a localrestaurant.

This morning we left, drove into Valencia and walked around thedowntown area. We checked out the Cathedral on the Plaza de laReina, then the Mercado (similar to the St. Lawrence Market inToronto) where the fish market area almost made me toss


Across the street is the Llonja, a Gothic silk market, one ofthe few Gothic buildings that is not a church. Unfortunately itis under renovation and all covered up and we couldn´t get in.

Then we headed out on the road again, for about 2 hours, drovethrough the expansive developments at Denia and ended up drivingover the mountains to Javea. Javea is a beautiful little townright on the Mediterranean, at the foot of an impressivemountain called Montgo.

We´ll see what tonight holds...

About the author:Susanne Pacher is the publisher of It deals with travel toforeign countries and is chock full of advice, tips, real lifetravel experiences, interviews with travellers, insights,cross-cultural issues, and many other features. Participate inour travel story contest and win greatprizes, a fabulous cruise to the Amazon. Life is a Journey -Explore New Horizons.


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