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Using Autosurf Programs To Make Affiliate Commission
By Greger Klen
Autosurfing is normally a way for webmasters to exchange website traffic with each other, but used correctly you can use the credits earned to promote an affiliate program instead.

Because the automatic nature of autosurfs, all affiliate programs won’t accept the traffic generated from them. Some, how ever, do – these are the affiliate programs you should be looking for.

Sending the traffic directly to a PPC affiliate program is tempting, but you would only be wasting the traffic – and in worst case your entire commission on the program. In any case, they will NOT pay you for the autosurf traffic you send them. No way, No how!

Instead, you should try to find a PPS affiliate program offering a high commission. PPS programs are less likely to bother with the origin of their affiliates’ traffic, simply because they only pay you when you make a sale. This does not mean you shouldn’t read the terms for any affiliate program you join, if you are considering autosurf traffic as a way of sending the affiliate program visitors, you should be very sure it’s not specifically prohibited in the terms & conditions.

Everyone using autosurfs have one thing in common; they all have a website they want to generate traffic to. This is very important information when deciding on an affiliate program to promote. The key to generating affiliate sales is relevance! Relevant ads will convert well, making it very important to choose a program appealing to people looking to promote their website.

Take a moment to autosurf and REALLY look at the other websites in rotation, to try to figure out what types of products or services they might need. Website traffic is an obvious product interesting for autosurfers - Cheap web hosting, SEO services

or text links are other relevant niches you might advertise, often surprisingly converting well considering the origin of traffic.

A great way to increase your exposure is to make custom pages with mainly advertising on them. If they are well designed and load fast enough, you will notice quite a few click thrus. If you are using text links, or if you are hosting the affiliate banners on your server, the affiliate program will have no way of knowing the origin of your visitors. If you are using any kind of script based affiliate program – i.e. adsense, azoogle or similar – you won’t get paid one penny.

When making custom pages you should try to make them look less like ads, and more like pages. Catchy titles and obvious text is essential – you only have a few seconds to attract your potential viewer before the timer reaches zero. Be sure to make the most of those precious seconds.

In conclusion;

You need an affiliate program with a PPS commission model, not to particular as to their affiliates’ traffic and offering products and/or services related to webmastering, site promotion or SEO. Try to join a few affiliate programs, and experiment with them to see which ones convert best.

Article Directory:

Read more about automated traffic or find an autosurf program at El Traffico, or find a few affiliate program at Affiliate Ranker.


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