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Autosurfers - Watch Out
By Paul Heingarten
The world of business opportunities on the internet can be thrilling or scary, filled with ever increasing companies, systems and products you can invest in to try and make your living.  Since so many opportunities exist, the best advice to anyone interested in their own business is to try the opportunities that look good and leave no stone unturned if possible.
I've been exploring and testing opportunities for making money online since 2005.  One of the systems I've tried is the autosurfers.
Before I go any further, let me say that the contents of this article you're reading are a recounting of my personal experiences with autosurfing.  Your experiences and results can and may be different if you try autosurfing.  I will not name the particular autosurf company I tried, as my intent is not to libel or flame anyone.  This article is not to tell you a particular system is bad per se, or to convince you to try or not try a particular system. The choice is yours - my only intent is to share my experience to hopefully help some of you along your way to financial freedom.
At first glance, Autosurfing seems like a decent enough opportunity.  The concept is simple: sign up for an account, then you are obligated to view a series of sites designated by the autosurf company.  A fee may be required to do this, depending on the autosurf company.  The autosurfers I've used show all of their sites in a web browser window.  You simply keep the browser window open and the sites will change after so many seconds.  Once you have viewed the required number of sites

for a day or a session, you receive credit for that day.  The next day, you continue by logging back in to view sites and get your credit.  These "credits" are often in the form of money.  The proposition is that the amount of money you get credited for viewing the sites is greater than the initial amount of money you invest.
Let me say that again - the amount of money that you get credited for viewing the sites is greater than the initial amount of money you invest.
Does that seem peculiar?  Ok, I admit I didn't pay that much mind.  Besides, if you're reading this, you are possibly of the mind set I was in:  try all business opportunities, leave no stone unturned.
Fortunately, my experience with autosurfing did not leave me with much debt.  I've invested about $50 before the particular autosurf company I was using closed down.  Considering that ebooks and other programs out there that cost far more than $50, I'm not overly concerned with this loss.  Sure, $50 is nothing I like to lose, but its a small price to pay for the chance of finding that business opportunity from which I can make a living.

Article Directory:

Paul Heingarten is a freelance author and entrepreneur. Take a look at his website at


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