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Internet Cyber Cafe Definition
By Azani, Wed Dec 7th

What is Cyber Cafe or Internet Cafe?

Internet cafe or cyber cafe is a place where people can getconnected to the Internet while eating or have a cup of coffeeusing publicly accessible computer. While the main activity inthe cyber cafe is the Internet, such as email, newsgroup and website surfing, other applications usually available are officesuite to type document or spreadsheet, games, such as onlinegames and other utilities such as printing service, scanning anddigital photo service. Some internet cafes also sell computeraccessories and computer related stuffs. People may have theirfood and drink at the computer table or at available separatetables provide by the cafe. Modern cyber cafe also have wirelessconnection in their local area networking (LAN), where peoplecan bring their own lap top and get connected to the Internet bypaying a small fee.

What is Cyber Center or Internet Center?

Cyber center or Internet center is almost the same with cybercafe or internet cafe. People can browse the

Internet, playinggames and typing document. The only different is cyber center orinternet center do not sell food or beverage. They onlyconcentrate in computers, not cafe. Other services usuallyavailable are printing, scanning, digital photo, CD and DVDburning. They also sell computer accessories. Because of thenature of their business, sometimes cyber center also sellcomputer and provide computer repair service.

What is Gaming Center?

Modern gaming center is more like a cyber cafe or cyber center.People can play online games or network games. People will comein groups so, they can play network game and fight each other tofind out who is the best. Some come in solo just to filling inthier time. In the previous time, gaming center are full withkids but today adult also like to play game especially networkand online games. In the gaming center, other then personalcomputer, Playstation or XBox are also use to play games.Although gaming centers are also connected to the Internet,people cannot browse the web site or read emails.

About the author:Azani is a web developer of and


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