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Top 7 Reasons To Sell Your Car Online Free
By Sampson Cooper, Tue Dec 6th

In this article, Mr Sampson Cooper of the used car saleswebsite UKAutoSearch.comreviews the problems car sellers face when advertising theircars in traditional print media, and highlights the realadvantages that sellers experience when advertising their carsfree of charge on the Internet.

So, you want to sell your car?

> Maybe you are buying a new car

> Perhaps you are getting a company car

> Has your family outgrown your present car?

Whatever the reason for your wanting to sell your car, carsellers agree that selling a car can be a very stressfulexperience. The commonest concerns sellers have are:

1. "Will I get a good price for my car?" (i.e.will a buyer haggle hard and pressurise me into letting the cargo for a low price?)


2. "How long will it take to find a buyer for mycar?" (i.e. if I hold out for the price I want, will Ibe left without a buyer?)

The traditional option is to take out an advert in the weeklyAutotrader magazine. For about £35, you get a 2-weekadvert which allows you to include one small photo of your car,and about 200 characters of free text.

If you submit your advert before the Monday deadline, it willappear in that week's edition which comes out either on Thursdayor Friday morning. There are a number of regional editions, andyou can choose which regional edition you want your advert toappear in.

Problems with advertising in Autotrader

Advertising in the print media sounds like a reasonable ideauntil you experience first-hand the crippling limitationsof this proposition. Remember, the concept of advertising carsin print media has been around since the 1970's, and iscertainly showing it's age:

1. Because you get only a limited number of words, youhave to cram as much information about your car into thesmallest number of words.

> This has given rise to a whole specialist lingo, with termslike "r/c/l" (remote central locking) coming into existence forno reason other than to save space in an Autotrader advert!

2. You get only one photo, so you have to try to conveyan impression about your car in one image.

> Imagine you were going to buy something worth thousands ofpounds - would you be impressed and satisfied with just onephoto?

3. Because you know that your advert will run for only 2weeks, you may be indirectly pressurised into accepting alower price for your car than what you expected.

> Suppose someone turns up to see your car on the last day ofthe 2 week period and offers you £500 less than your askingprice... would you accept it for a quick sell or would you holdout for the price you think your car deserves, and be preparedto re-advertise for another 2 weeks?

Faced with the uncertainties and stress of traditionalprint-based car advertising, car sellers in the USA, UK andEurope have been turning to the Internet to find a morerelaxed and productive way of selling their cars.


7 reasons to advertise your car online

Advertising your car on the Internet has some uniqueadvantages compared with traditional print advertising.

Our customers have consistently identified the following 7features of online advertising which they say have made thedifference between getting the price they want for theircars, and having to compromise for a lower price:

1. It is usually significantly cheaper to advertise yourcar on a website.

> Disk space and bandwidth are cheaper than paper, ink andmagazine distribution, and tremendous savings are made by nothaving to print and distribute a magazine. These savings can bepassed on directly to the seller.

> Caradverts at are FREE until sold, compared to the £35+ cost of a 2-week Autotrader advert.

> is entirely supported by corporateadvertising, and does not charge sellers for the service.

2. Online adverts can include a lot more informationabout your car than adverts in magazines.

> Caradverts at can have 10,000 characters (2000words) of free text description, compared to approximately 200characters in an Autotrader advert.

3. Online sellers can include multiple photos of theircars.

> Every FREE advert can have 10 photos of yourcar. For just £12.99, our sister site allows 25photos in each advert. Photos can be upto 1Mb in size.

4. Sellers can update / modify adverts at any time, evenwhen the adverts are "live".

5. Anyone in the world with an Internet connection can view youradvert.

> This means that people further afield who may still beinterested in your car will be able to view its specificationsonline, without your having to spend more money on adverts inmagazines serving neighbouring regions. The end result is thatmore buyers compete for your car.

> Car adverts at are also advertised on Google and other search engines, increasing the number of people who cansee your car online.

6. Your car advert will be online and active immediately- the turnaround time between submitting your advert and itbeing active is typically a lot shorter than in print media.

7. Some websites such as and UKCarSeller.comwill actively advertise your car until it is sold. So youdo not have to accept the first offer you get.

Sell your car online FREE, today

To advertise your car for sale today, simply register at Remember, it costs nothing at all to advertise online, soyou have nothing to lose!

About the author:Sampson Cooper is Customer Service Manager at,a used car saleswebsite.


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