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Japan's Goverment-a Brief Summary
By Sumbaz, Fri Dec 9th


The Japanese Government is composed of the Cabinet at the top,the Prime Minister's Office, 12 Ministries and thirty plusAgencies and Commissions. The Prime Minister's Office has 10agencies (besides its main office), of which 8 (excluding theImperial Household Agency and the National Police Agency) eachhas their own Cabinet Minister. Independent from the Cabinet isthe Board of Audit.

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) isresponsible for all policies covering the nation's variousindustries and foreign trade (expect for agricultural productsand foods) and energy. MITI is organized into three industrialbureaus dealing with different industries - Basic IndustriesBureau (iron and steel, chemicals, etc), Machinery andInformation Industries Bureau (electronics, machinery, autos,etc) and Consumer Goods and Service Industries Bureau (textile,paper, housing and services). Japan also has a wide producer ofobjects used every day such as, cars, video games, cameras,

ect.America gets allot of our products from Japan. The JapanesePatent Office examines and approves (or rejects) patentapplications for four kinds of industrial properties:inventions, utility models, design patents and trade marks, soby protecting those intellectual property rights. Japan was thefirst country in the world to computerize the patent applicationsystem. This Office also provides technical information,including advice on patents not yet being used, in order tostimulate industrialists to create new businesses! Of allJapanese industrial and business entities, 99% are small andmedium-sized, and their employees represent 78% of the Japanesework force. The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency serves toimprove the business environment of these enterprises and tostimulate their creativity and agility.

About the author:JAPAN’S GOVERMENT-A brief summary


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