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How To Grow Your Ezine Subscriber List
By Megan Corwin, Sat Dec 10th

Your ezine subscriber list is a very valuable group. They areinterested in your product of service. They *want* to hear fromyou occasionally. They are interested in what's new with thesubject and have asked to be kept in the loop.

When I built my first website, I was mistaken thinking that justbecause I put a form to capture email addresses, people wouldfill it in. Very few did.

Why not? They had no reason to. No motivation. No return forgiving out their information. I wrote a small time managementworkbook and offered it to subscribers. After they clicked tojoin the list, they were directed to a .pdf version of the book.As soon as I provided a reward for signing up, my subscriberlist grew by leaps and bounds - almost 400%! I was so excited!

Then I sent out my first

newsletter to these folks. Lots of thembounced; they were invalid email addresses. These readers werewilling to type in a little box to get a reward, but the prizecame too easily.

Soon I learned that a great method to ensure their correct emailwas captures was to deliver the goods via email. That way, ifthey really wanted to get the booklet, they'd have to ante upwith valid addresses. Great - they had pre-qualified themselves!

You can use autosresponders or a tool such as Constant Contactto automatically send your offering to the new subscribers. Try or

Now, just sit back and watch your list grow into a wonderfulmarketing tool.

About the author:Megan Corwin is an online marketing coach. If you enjoyed thisarticle, download the free ebook "How to Market Your SmallBusiness Online for FREE":


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