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Increase Traffic, Get More Visitors With Automatic Surfing By © Internet 4 Profit Business Partners, Thu Dec 8th
font size="3"> Many internet businesses have the idea thattheir businesses will roar just by launching a well-designedwebsite. Unfortunately, this is not true. There are many ways topromote a business, including direct e-mail marketing,advertising, traffic exchange, newsletter, paid clicking. Theissue is that while we promote our business, we also need to gettraffic, meaning visitors, to improve our ranking. In thisarticle, we will talk about some of the benefits of automaticsurfing, which is getting visitors, traffic with no clicking. What is auto surfing? Ok, you have a great website, but no visitors? Auto Surfing is afree way of advertising. It is like having an automaticmarketing website promotion, and the beauty is that there is noclicking! Sounds good so far? Yes, absolutely!
It is one way to get free advertising and increase site exposureto increase your website ranking. Is like watching commercialson TV. The more your website is presented, the more exposure youget! Auto surfing delivers hits to your websites even while youare sleeping, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year! You canregister FREE in one or more traffic exchange. What is the difference between manual and automated surfing? The difference with manual and automated surfing is that onedoes not need to manually click while sitting in front of thecomputer. Manual surfing requires you to visit a website rangingfrom 5 to 25 seconds and after to click a button when indicatedto visit the next website and get the credit. Automated surfing just requires you to login and the site doesthe rest for you without clicking! So, what are you waiting for?Many traffic exchanges have FREEregistration and you can submit from 5 to over 100 websitesto promote. How many visitors can you get? The logic is the more websites you view, the more hits you getto promote your websites. Some traffic exchanges guarantee 100or more visitors per hour, depending on your credits. So do yourmath and calculate based on each traffic exchange membershipplan. For instance, 126hits sustain they give at least 126 visitors per hour, while Autosurf sustains you can get 216 visitors per hour. Again, check eachmembership plan and based on how long you surf, you willaccumulate credits and can estimate how many visitors you canget daily. Another point to observe is your website loadingtime. For example, if a traffic exchange rotates sites every 10seconds and your website takes 20 seconds to load, you will nothave enough time for viewers to see your website. Try to keep asimple website, it will load faster. Will I get more sales? Many argue that automated surfing deals more with increasingtraffic ranking than actually increasing sales. This is why werecommend using it as part of your promotional plan. On theother hand, if you have a budget for paid advertising, such asOVERTURE, which reaches about 80% of active internet users, you canpursue both and have better exposure. OVERTURE will target your ideal niche marketing with people actuallylooking for your products/service. Search results include Yahoo!Google, MSN, Altavista and leading sites across the Web.Definitely, a combination of different marketing venues willbring you sales. Certainly, if your target is to increase traffic ranking,traffic exchange is a good source to get hundreds, eventhousands
of visitors to your websites, be it manual orautomated surfing. Do not forget, once you get your referral URL, remember toinclude it among the websites you will be promoting with otherautomated surfing to earn referral credits. It is a basic cycle:earn free advertising by watching other websites, the more youwatch, the more hits you get to your websites. To summarize, you already have your website and a list of somefree traffic exchanges. Now, make sure all your links areworking, then, register to one or more of the FREE automaticsurfing and promote your referral urls to increase your hits.Check this partial list for some automatic surfing trafficexchanges. -5,000 FREE auto hit credits 24-7Auto Hits - Join today for 1,000 free hits. Get paid to yourStormpay & Paypal to click & surf! Free sign up! - 321Credits Upon signup, Promote Unlimited Websites,Get 216 hits per hour for free! Receive 2500 HitsSignUp-Bonus!! Sky Rocket Your Sales And Improve Your Traffic, 100 creditssign-up bonus - 500 FREEHITS for joining! -Get216 hits per hour. Receive 2.500 Hits as SignUp-Bonus! -The New Breed of Auto Surf Traffic Exchange Atleast 126 visitors per hour! - FAST & RELIABLE TRAFFIC RIGHT AND FOR FREE - Auto Surf Traffic Exchange -Auto Surfer 1:1 exchange ratio -Unlimited FREE hits to your site Websitetraffic - Receive 216 hits per hour -216 visitors per hour -Start Getting Your Share of the Hits - Receive at least 216 visitors per hour up to 2500 surfing points per day as a free member You are already set for a FREE marketing advertising withoutclicking. Enjoy your automatedsurfing plus the benefits of getting more visitors andincreasing your traffic ranking! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Request your FREE Home Business Tips Newsletter People are making money on the internet, so can you! GetFREE ideas and internet business opportunities to start,run and grow a profitable home based business to make moneyonline. Easy FREE step by step registration, FREEwebsites to earn income globally working from home and spendmore time with family & friends. Let's build a successfulbusiness partnership. Welcome aboard! About the author:The Internet 4 Profit Business Partners believe thateveryone has the potential to build a profitable home basedbusiness with determination and persistence. CLICK HERE