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Can Ffa Pages Benefit You?
By Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi, Thu Dec 8th


FFA comes from: Free For All pages, and are sites that allowanyone to submit a link to them. This links are free of cost andyou don't need to link back to the page, as it's usuallyrequired in the link exchange programs.

Whether a FFA submission is useful or not it's still beeingdiscussed. Some people claim that FFA pages produce so littletraffic, that's useless to consider submitting a link to them.

Others say that investing resources on search engineoptimization and other methods of traffic improvemente it's muchbetter. And many point out that if your alternative is having afree link in a FFA page or having nothing at all, then the FFAlink is always better than nothing.

You can be sure that if you post your link into a FFA page youwill get a real flood of email!...

SPAM email !

E-mail that comes from hundreds (even thousands) of people thatwant to tell you about their business and have captured your e-mail address from the FFA pages with special programs that do so.

Will you also get e-mail from people interested in YOUR offer?

Only a few!


FFA pages are more a waste of time and effort than a good deal

If you still would like to try with them, don't post to them oneby one, a good autosubmitter can get you pretty good results ina minimal amount of time.

NEVER use your personal e-mail addresses when you post to FFA,you must use a free (disposable) account.

Be sure that the URL address you submit doesn't have any e-mailaddress that can be harvested by spammers

Using FFA autosubmitters it might look as a good idea, but infact it doesn't work, because your link rolls off from the pagesas fast as other people submit their sites via the same tool.

Submitting manually to FFA's it's even worst, for the samereason than before and because it takes too much time persubmission.

If you want a better positioning, submit with autosubmittersmore than once a day


Absolutely! It's much better to own a FFA site than to post toFFA sites!

You might wonder what's the gain of creating a page that allowsOTHER people to post their links to YOUR site for free?

The gain is that with a good CGI script...

You would get their E-mail addresses!

Then you can use that e-mail address to send out a "thank youfor posting" message, which it's just an excuse to include anadvertisement for some of YOUR products.

Some webmasters send also a second e-mail telling their userswhen their link roles off the page, in this message, they tellthe receiver that his link is no longer available at the FFApage and they invite him to come back and submit it again.

As you can probably guess, if you run the FFA page this is yoursecond opportunity to include another advertisement in thismessage as well..

So, as you can see these are the reasons of why the FFA pagesexist...

NOT to give you the opportunity to contact people

BUT to give the owner the opportunity to harvest your e-mailaddress for marketing purposes

If you go around sending information about your businessopportunity to people

that haven't asked for it, you can beaccused of spamming. However, if people give you their e-mailaddress in order to be accepted in your FFA site, and thereforeaccepts that will receive confirmation e-mail, they can'tcomplain about it.


Do FFA pages work as a traffic builder?

It used to work well in the past

It isn't very good anymore.

Many people use autosubmitters to submit to hundreds orthousands of FFA pages at the same time, they get a throwawayaccount and direct the flood of e-mail caused by the submissionto that address.

As they use a throwaway account, they never go and read thosemessages.

Only a few use their personal e-mail address, but they get somany messages that just can't possibly read every single one ofthem. So, the chances of your message being among those that getread are closer to 0 % than to any other number, because...

Very few people do read those postings


Once you get the e-mail addresses you should make sure that theyare real, and the easiest way to do it, is to request via e-mail that all submitters confirm their submissions by replyingto the message. (So they don't use a fake one)

Send your confirmation mailings two or three days after thesubmission. If the submission has being made using an automaticsubmission tool, the user will get a ton of mail, so animmediate reply might get buried among thousands of others.

Always notify the user why you're mailing him, and if youpromissed to send one or two reply e-mail, send only one or twoe-mail.

We have now covered why people run FFA pages and how to improvethe benefits they can bring. But is that hard work worth it inthe end? I'd wish I could say otherwise, but I believe that theanswer is no. It takes quite a lot of effort to get a FFA pagerun flawlessly and even when you manage to achieve that, thenegative sides of running an FFA page will always be with you.

Is it worthwhile doing all this work? Mi idea is that the answeris no. It will take you too much effort to get a FFA page runflawlessly and you can expect only little result. Unless you runa PAID service.

Why would people pay for a FFA service? They will do it if theysee that you conciously filter all the automatic submissions,and offer a copy of the e-mail address of all the dailysubmitters to your customers.


What kind of problems can you expect in a FFA of your own:

Some people might post ads with e-mail addresses that belong tosomeone that they would like to disturb, and you can be accusedof SPAM (so you need to keep a copy of all the requests that youreceive)

Massive autosubmitters will hammer at your host (no solution forthis).

Even if it's not allowed, some people will post obscene links onyour page (you need a human being that reads all of them tofilter them).

Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi

About the author:Dr. Roberto Bonomi is a successful e-book writer that shares hishome business experience at: If youalready have, or are looking for an Internet Home Business, youcan't miss the free knowledge that you'll receive at hissite.


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