Website Linking Secrets
By Ikey Benney, Tue Jan 10th
If you've been marketing on the internet for a while, you musthave by now realized the importance of linking your website toothers of similar content.
This one strategy alone goes a very long way to help the searchengines, particularly Google to determine the importance of yourwebsite and therefore assign the proper pagerank to you.
When you have higher pagerank (example 5 or 6 or 7) , yourwebsite will appear higher in the search results and so the moretraffic and sales you'll get!
Linking to similar websites is the most powerful offsite SEO (search engine optimization) THAT YOU MUST DO, so as to get greatranking.
When you have a great ranking in the search engines, especiallyGoogle, you'll get great traffic and generate many sales and getrich.
There are a few ways to create a winning and powerful linkcampaign.
The most boring is trying to get links from individual websitesand webmasters.
This is the least efficient way to do this and I don't suggestit.
You can get great one way links by writing articles and postingthem at high page rank websites.
But this may not be appealing to a lot of people who don't liketo write.
Of course, you may hire writers to write them for you.
Some are cheap and others expensive.
Another way to do this is by using a software.
This automates the link requests and campaign.
But there is some work involved and you may wait for a few weeksto be accepted by your link partners.
The best softwares to use to do this are SEO elite and Arelis.
However, the fastest and the most competent and the best way toget thousands of quality links, including one way links is tojoin link services.
The best is
I highly recommend this service.
It is fast, competent and hassle free.
In just 5 mins after signing up, you'll automatically getthousands of high page rank links both one way and reciprocal!
By getting these links, you'll get the attention of the searchengines, who will begin to give you high ranks, which will thenboost your traffic and sales.
Below are examples of websites participating in link a service;you may check them out to see for yourself.