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How To Earn Money Just By Surfing The Web?
By Paipals
Paid surfing or autosurfing program is traffic exchange which allows raising internet site exposure to bigger audience. Basically it is newest tool of advertisement business how to reach consumer which combined with some high yield investment elements gives consumer who watches these ads good earning opportunity. During year 2005 it has grown with outstanding speed and now several new autosurfing sites pop up each day which adds up competition and in longterm should make more affect on quality and stability of programs. Unlike other advertisement channels like tv, radio, papers or billboards where money is paid to those who show these advertisements in autosurfing industry most of the money goes to consumers directly. Elements of high yield investments are added to attract more consumers to particular advertisement program. Just like TV channels care about their ratings autosurf programs need some carrot that would attract more consumers to their program and so advertisers would want to pay particular program for their services.
Autosurfing basically contains 2 parts - Free advertising and daily earnings. An autosurfer is someone who watches advertisement on internet using provided by autosurf website presentation of changing webpages that are advertised by other members of autosurf program. This is called traffic exchange - bringing visitors to your site and exposing it to bigger audience. To watch these advertisements you need to join an autosurf program by completing signup procedure (Explained later in more details). After signup you can start watching advertised webpages right away. Every webpage you watch for 15-30 seconds earns you a credit which you can in exchange use to advertise your own webpage or some affiliate program you are part of. You also have an option of paying a membership fee which is also called an upgrade. By purchasing an upgrade you will get additional

advertising benefits and the opportunity to earn profit by doing same thing of viewing advertised by other members websites. The amount you can earn depends of what daily percentage program offers and your upgrade level. For eg. if program offers 12% daily and you have upgraded to level of 60$ then each day you will earn 7.2$. Usually these upgrades last only for set time interval and higher the percentage the shorter is lifetime of upgrade. But remember that higher percentage doesn't mean more profits. For eg. if program offers 12% for 12 days and another program offers 10% for 15 days then more profit you will get from second one because after 15 days you will have 150% of your upgrade paid but in first case it will be only 144%. Usually daily ROI (Return of investment) is used to evaluate actual profit you gain from particular program. This daily percentage is the carrot for autosurfers to join these programs and watch those advertisements. Higher the ROI percentage higher the risk of such program not sustain such offer for long term.

To learn more visit Autosur information site.

Article Directory:

Martins K is owner of informational site Autosurf information where he shares his expert advice to minimise risks and choose best programs in autosurfing industry. Site includes daily news, advanced top listings and other helpful tools to keep up to date with dynamic changes in this fast growing industry.


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