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Enhancing Your Manhood
By Jacky
The first thing any man notices in a male star is the fact that he has a big ‘package’. Call it professional curiosity. Men who have small or average-sized manhood know very well they won’t like what they see, but they still look anyway. And they wonder why those guys on the screen are always so well-endowed and confident around the ladies. Is it all natural or are there some tricks that stars use to make their pack look bigger than they actually are? The answer is: yes and no. There are tricks at work, but there is also Mother Nature.

Some stars, probably most of them, are well-endowed by nature. While it doesn’t sound too fair, some people are born with big penises and some have to make do with smaller sizes because this is life. And, since well-endowed men usually get to sleep with many women, doing it in front of a camera is pretty much a logical step. While actors don’t get a lot of respect, every man is keenly aware of the fact that the big hunk in front of him has probably slept with more gorgeous women than the common man could ever hope to meet.

Still, some stars are not that big in the first place and have to find ways of looking bigger than their usual size. And when they do it, they use the same tricks every other determined man uses. Pumps are a popular choice among men. They don’t really make the penis bigger, but they can help a tired guy get an erection and one may gain half an inch or so for the next couple of hours. Just don’t overdo it with the pump because you might do some serious damage down there. The suction is powerful enough to damage the tissues that make up the penis.

Cock rings are another popular option. They’re small enough to go unnoticed, if you so choose and let you last longer than usual by preventing blood from

leaving the penis. This means you can stay hard and make love for a longer time. Nevertheless you should be very careful with cock rings. Leave them on too much (above 30 minutes) and you are simply asking for trouble. The oxygen starved tissues will start dying and you may end up losing more than you’ve gained. So be careful.

Some permanent ways of enlarging the penis are exercises and traction devices. Exercises are a patient effort to increase length and girth by forcing the penis to expand through a series of special movements. Blood is trapped into the spongy tissue called Corpora Cavernosa, which has to accept more blood than usual. In time, the tissues grow in size in order to accommodate the increase in supply. Devices are easier to use because they don’t require any kind of effort. You just strap them on and it’s their job to convince your penis that it needs to add some inches.

Naturally, stars have other means at their disposal to make their penises bigger. Surgery is risky, but some men are really keen on having a bigger penis and don’t worry about scars or botched operations. Implants are just as risky as surgery because implanted silicone tends to shift about and give an unnatural look to the penis. Also, silicone cells starts spreading around the body and causing various problems. Not a good idea. But then again, some men are willing to try even that to get what they want.

For more information on the SizeGenetics system of both exercises and a traction device please visit Penis enlargement and find some Free Penis Enlargement info.


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