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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading free harry potter ringtones articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Ringtones – Who Do You Love?
By Dave Carter
So what are for, exactly? Well, they’re meant to tell us when our phone is ringing. But a simple ringing sound could do that, so why the popularity of all these other tunes? It’s simple human nature to express our individuality – look at the way we have turned wearing clothes into an art form! It used to be the case that the clothes we wore we designed and sold by, well, people who designed and sold clothes, but as the importance of something called’ brand awareness’ increases every day, it’s not only the consumer who uses clothes and to express our individuality. These days, a whole host of large organisations do it too, adding their look and sound to the items we by, expressing what it is that makes them great, while allowing us succinctly say exactly who it is we love.

When they first became available, were fairly basic, and with the primary function of distinguishing whose cell phone was ringing by assigning different sounds to them, there was little need to vamp them up. Until, like the clothes we wear, we discovered that we could use as an expression of who are, creating an industry that is now worth millions of dollars. And who doesn’t want to be a part of that?

The answer is hardly anyone! With cell phones ringing all across the country almost twenty four hour a day, the people in charge of brand awareness realized that were a great way to remind of us their product each and every time we received a call. While musical are a great way to get us all listening to a particular band or singer, these sounds can be used to convey so many other messages and personal affiliations. This is why such powerhouse organizations like the WWE have packaged their own mix of sounds, so that whenever our phone rings, their message goes out into the world, helping us express our identities by overtly affiliating ourselves with the things we love.

So if you are bored with those same old musical tones, find out if your favorite pastime has made it into ringtone format yet, and dress your cell phone in the sounds that send your message to the world!

Dave is the owner of and websites that provide information on ringtones.


We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to ringtones that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our free harry potter ringtones website.


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