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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading free real ringtones articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Free Cell Phone Ring Tones – Jingling Vibes For Any Occasion
By Nelson Widrow
How many does one person really need? Apparently a lot as there are a bunch of websites using free cell phone as enticements to get people to buy their product, and other companies using the as promotions. The free cell phone are of course more limited in selection than the other ones that you have to pay for, but if you are just looking for older songs to give you phone some variety, then the free cell phone are just fine.

This leave me to wonder though why all these are really so important. Why do our phones have to sing loud obnoxious songs. It would be fine if people only turned their cell phones on to ring at home or in the car. However people turn their cell phones on, and turn the ringer all the way up, in public places. The worst part of this is that these people are normally teenagers, and anyone that knows any teenagers knows that the raunchier and more inappropriate the song the more they like it. This can become a little

offensive when they are downloading songs with all kinds of swear words in them and then letting their phones ring loudly in public, family establishments.

Now there are even tones that aren’t but people yelling at you to answer your phone, normally while using a large quantity of offensive words. I will be honest I am a young adult and I find these as amusing as the next person, however if I was in the mall with my 5 year old child and the phone of the teenager standing next to me started dropping f-bombs I might be a little upset. I wonder sometimes who the person is that sits around and thinks of these things is and what he was thinking when he created them.

Nelson Widrow has written numerous articles about many topics including TV ringtones and free cell phone ring tones.


We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to ringtones that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

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