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What Is A Server By Richard Amburn, Wed Dec 7th
For those of you who don’t really understand where or how yourweb page is sitting on your hosting sever, this is a basic overview of how it works. A server is basically hardware and software and protocol. Wewill go over these three basics of your hosting server. • Server hardware.
Server hardware is so similar to your old PC hardware that theprice of server hardware has come down considerably. Down enoughthat it’s tempting for a lot of us to host our own server. Butthat’s a whole different article. All a server is: • Very fast processor. • A large amount of RAM. • A vast amountof Disk Space. • Connection to a T1 line (access to the outsideworld). The hardware is housed in very large office buildings. There aremany racks of servers filling these climate controlled rooms.Most of the server host brag of their 99% or better uptime. Thisis very impressive and another reason to use a server host. Howoften have you re-booted your PC in the past? •
Software. (Operating system) There different operating systems on the market. Most likely thesoftware on your server is running Apache on Linux, an opensource product. Servers need to be secured and an open sourceapplication is more likely to be less buggy and more secure thentheir larger competitor Microsoft. These servers use an interface for you to access and configurethem, a control panel. Some control panels are more complicatedthen others. Depending how technical you are, this is a point ofconcern when picking a server host. • Protocol. (FTP) To get your page on the server you need to FTP(file transfer protocol). FTP is a client (you) serverapplication. If you created your page on your desk top,obviously to share it you would need to get it on your server.It’s also used to transfer files between your own pc to someoneelse’s computer. This is a very simplistic overview of what a server host is, butI hope it will give you a basic idea how it works. About the author:Richard Amburn