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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading music for myspace articles and products to help you on your way to success.

The Keys To Success
Consistency and Discipline

You may ask yourself, how do others succeed? What is their key to success?

If you look at anybody who has had any success marketing (online or offline) you'll find that they have at least a couple things in common.

1. They were consistent with their plans to market, they never gave up.

2. They disciplined themselves to get the work done, they didn't procrastinate.

Now, in our world today, we have a lot that can distrack us. From entertainment (music, video games, and movies) to chatrooms, MySpace, and YouTube. With so much to do, it's easy to get distracted.

But a Businessman or Businesswoman needs to stay focused. You need to set a list of priorities and discipline yourself. If you have

a product or service your selling, that's great! But your product or service will not market itself.

You Have To Love What You Do

When you start up your own business, you have to love what you do, or where would the motivation come from? You have to force yourself to do something you hate. Where is the joy in that?

To quote what Donald Trump said in his article A Key Ingrediant For Success "Enthusiasm on a big scale equals passion. If you don't have passion, everthing you do will fizzle out, or be mediocre, at best. You have to love what you're doing in order to make it in a big time way." source June 1, 2005

Passion = Success

Al Marshall


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And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our music for myspace website.


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