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Tips On Flirting, Attracting Women By John Lim, Thu Dec 8th
Having Problems Attracting Women? Then Pick Some Of These TipsOn Flirting And Meeting Girls. The ability to be a good flirt isn't something that all men areblessed with, but there are ways to improve. Just pick up somegreat tips on flirting and you'll be approaching and attractingwomen in no time. Did you know that the best way to meetingwomen is to flirt with as many of them as possible? So theinability to flirt is definitely a crutch and every guy needs toknow how to flirt with women. As long as you are willing to keeptrying, you'll soon be flirting like the best of them. The first tip on flirting and attracting women is to stay calmand collected. This is especially important when you're flirtingwith a hot chick. A charming collected guy is sexy and adesperate loser is not. Remember that flirting is not the be-allof dating and one girl rejecting you is not the end of theworld. If you're going to be a good flirt, you have to belight-hearted about things.
My next
tip is for you to flirt with everyone! The only wayyou're going to be a good flirt is with practice. Focusing onone woman only will not make you a good flirt because you willonly know how to flirt with one woman. Even if you are datingsomeone, flirt a little with everyone you meet. Try flirtingwith the women in your office or the people on the bus or train.You'll just come on as a really friendly guy. Plus, if somethinggoes wrong with the woman you're casually dating, you'll befully prepared to head out there to snag another girl. The best tip on flirting that I can give you is to try toremember that flirting is supposed to be fun. Flirting andmeeting women is not a job that you have to take seriously andthe tone of your voice shows whether you are enjoying yourselfor not. The purpose of flirting is to make the woman feel goodand interested in you. If you're stressed out and not havingfun, chances are she won't be either and she'll leave you for aguy that's more fun. About the author:Dating secrets revealed! Learn how to attract women and get thehot date you desire at