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Flirting To Promote Attraction And Chemistry By Maureen Arnold In order to have sexual chemistry with a man, you have got to create it by getting and keeping his attention, proving to him that you are not like the rest of the women he has met and create a challenge for him that he cannot help but take up. In other words, you need to flirt with him!
For some people, the art of flirting well is just natural. To others, it is an ancient language that cannot be deciphered not matter how hard you try. So let's de-code good flirting here for those of us who are a little mystified about exactly what to do in order to peak a man's interest.
Chemistry or attraction MUST be SPARKED right at the beginning, and it must be sparked by YOU. How do you do that? In order to fan the flame of attraction, you have go tot show the man that you are unusual woman - and not by pretending to speak in tongues or be weird in a Lemony Snicket kind of way. You have to show him that you are fun, unpredictable, intelligent and witty as well as beautiful and attractive.
This, my friends, is flirting at its finest. Flirtation is NOT just about batting your eyelashes at a man and making him want you physically. Men do that all by themselves without a whole lot of help from women. Flirtation is about promoting and MAINTAINING attraction with a man. Good flirtation consists of mockery, sarcasm, being a little too grave for the situation, but joking underneath, breaking the “socially-acceptable” limits on physical space, like reaching out and touching a hand or a shoulder gently or interpreting communication through a sexual subtext or making sexual/sensual innuendo - to name a few.
on him, being slightly too intense towards him, etc., all not only generate attention because they’re surprising, but focus that attention specifically on the chemistry between the two of you. Being spontaneous leads to an atmosphere where both people are impatient to know what’s coming next, he may laugh at you, he may not know how to respond, and he may even get a little rattled, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. These are all good things that work in your favor, because they all share one common positive aspect – his emotions and attention are focused on YOU!
What all these things have in common is that they are unpredictable to a man, and that really dials up attraction for him. This gets his attention, and more importantly - KEEPS it because he does not know what is going to happen next. This, in turn, leads to that beautiful thing called sexual chemistry - which is two people involved and flirting, attention focused on one another, eager and open body language and having solid eye contact. Its not about getting him to look at you - its about getting him to SEE you. Article Directory: http://www.articlecube.com How to Catch Him and Keep Him by Christian Carter Click Here for Dating Tips for Women on How to Meet Men
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