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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading love hearts articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Take A Walk On The Wild Side With "the Flirting And Walking Tour Of London".
Fancy a early evening stroll catching the sights of London while at the same time learning how to catch the eye of potential partners?An all-new concept in dating, "The Flirting & Walking Tour of London" takes participants on a one-hour tour of the hitherto unrecognised flirting highlights of Central London's art galleries, bookstores and supermarkets, with practical tuition and theoretical guidance from Cultural Anthropologist and "Allure" Consultant, Jean Smith.Alongside practical tuition, burning questions will be answered, including such gems as: Where to spot your next blockbuster romance in the bookstore (Hint: Avoid

Military History) and Which supermarket aisle stocks the ripest dating produce? Tours costing £10 per person commence October 22, from Foyer of the National Portrait Gallery at 6:45pm every Friday until the last tour of the season, Dec.17(unless you would like to arrange a private tour) To book a place on the next tour email e-mail protected from spam bots or phone 020 7586 6478.Notes to Editors:If you would like to participate, or for more information contact: Jean Smith on 079 50694639 or 0207 586 6478 or visit:


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