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The Most Important Flirting Sign To Look Out For If You Want To By Michael Myerscough, Sat Dec 10th
Before I tell you what it is (I'm such a tease!) there's onevery important thing you must know... More important than knowing the flirting sign?! Turning the knowledge of what the flirting sign is intosomething you can use, easily, naturally and on an ongoingbasis. That's what's more important than actually knowing whatthe flirting sign is.
Some of what we learn only needs to enter our heads to be usefulto us. They're simply pieces of information. Something that wecan recall and put to use in a future scenario. However flirting is a skill. And skills need more thanjust the knowledge in our head. So not only am I going to tellyou what the flirting sign is, I'm going to give you a practicalexercise to actually turn this knowledge into something that youwill use to benefit you. So once you've read what the number 1 sign is, keep reading.Because more important than knowing what the sign is, is beingable to use it. And you'll only do that properly if you followthe exercise. So, enough of the delays, the number 1 flirting sign is... The hair flip! Yup, that's it. Numero Uno. The most often used flirting sign inthe scientific study. By the way, the scientific study that this was taken fromidentified 52 different flirting signs! Yes, 52. And analysedthe importance of each of them. It prioritised 9 of thoseflirting signs as key to predicting, with 90% success, whethersomeone would be approached. And now you know the top one ofthose flirting signs. Turning this knowledge into something you'll use As I said before though, the most important thing is not theintellectual knowing of it, but actually training yourself torecognise flirting signs easily and naturally i.e. having theskill. The 'natural flirts' amongst us just know when someone isflirting with them. How? Because they subconsciously recognisesome of the most important flirting signs and that gives them 'agood feeling' (literally) that they're going to be successful ifthey approach this person. Or they subconsciously know how touse their body language to give off those most importantflirting signals. When they see someone they fancy, they do thisnaturally, making them much more likely to be approached. Don't ask me how they learnt it! I'm jealous too. They just did.In fact they all went through the same process I'm about toshare with you. They just didn't do it quite as consciously asyou are going to. If you're not a natural flirt, and I suspect you're not,otherwise you'd be getting the results you want from your datingencounters, then you must make flirting a natural skill for you. How do you do this? Well, the process of learning any skill goesthrough easily followed stages. 1.You become aware of the knowledge you're missing 2.You practice the use of that knowledge, repetitively, untilit becomes so natural you can forget about it. 3.Your subconscious uses its new skill naturally on an ongoingbasis. Your Exercise So your task is as
follows: 1.Next time you're out looking for potential dates, look aroundthe room you're in and notice people (primarily women) who usethe hair flip. Not with you. You're looking for them using itgenerally with other people. The easiest location to see this inis with a couple who are obviously trying to chat each other up,perhaps they've just introduced themselves. She'll still mostlikely be using the hair flip, or playing with, or preening herhair in some way on a regular basis. This is the most usedflirting sign. Keep consciously looking out for it. By the way,it may be easiest to do this when you're on your own. Otherwiseyour friend(s) will wonder why you're so inattentive today! 2.Every time you go out for the next few weeks, practicesearching for the hair flip or hair preening. You don't need tolimit this to times when you're out looking for a date. You canpractice this anytime you're in public, because people areflirting all the time. 99% of the time they're not conscious ofit, but watch a women noticing a man she fancies and she'll findit difficult not to subconsciously flip or touch her hair insome manner! 3.How long do you practice this for? You'll know when you'vepracticed this enough because at some point in the future, whenyou're out and about and not thinking about practicing it,you'll suddenly become aware of someone who's playing with theirhair. Perhaps even whilst looking at you! When you've had thisspontaneous and sudden awareness a few times, then you know it's'programmed' into your subconscious mind to spot this mostimportant flirting sign - and you can move on to learning thenext ones. 4.Oh. You'll then have this skill built in for life. Yes, youcan choose to notice it consciously whenever you want to, butbecause of that few days or few weeks of practice, you now havethe ability to notice this bit of flirting subconsciously.Congratulations. How do you get more dates with this? The hair flip is just one of the 9 signs identified in thescientific study. Learn the other 8 as a skill and you'll be theflirt that you've always dreamt of being. And you will get amuch greater number of dates. There are other keys to flirting than just knowing the 9 topsigns. Particularly the way you use or observe these flirtingsigns is more important. And there are definitely other skillsto master if you want to begin to enjoy approaching people andgetting dates with them. Do you want to get more dates? Do you want to make the fear ofapproaching and talking to potential partners a thing of thepast? Then find out How ToApproach Anyone & Enjoy It. Visit now. About the author:Michael Myerscough is a relationship and dating coach, with 16years experience in helping singles to find the right partnerfor them. Copyright 2005 The Relationship Gym. All RightsReserved. May be freely copied and distributed as long as youinclude the following information: "By Michael Myerscough,professional speaker and relationship success coach. Michael haslots of great tips, tools and articles on his website that youcan use