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Bill Gates
By Seven, Wed Dec 7th

In a recent issue of Time magazine, Microsoft's hard-hittingbillionaire announced his battle plan for sparring with Sony inthe next generation console wars of the entertainment industry.

His weapon? The sequel to Bungie/Microsoft megahit, which haspulled in a staggering amount of sales, selling well over 6million copies to date, the space Epic that will hit shelveswith the title:

Halo 3.

Bill Gates was positively glowing when he announced that Halo 3was going to pose big problems for Sony and the rival system tothe XBOX 360, the Playstation 3. On the launch date for the PS3,Bill Gates plans to release Halo 3 on the raving masses, and heexpects this to be a solid blow to

the Xbox's cheif competitor.

Said Gates, "The day Sony launches [the new PlayStation], theywalk right into Halo 3."

Unlike the original "Halo", which was on the epic flagshiplineup for the original Xbox, Halo 3 will be a part of whatMicrosoft considers "the all important second-wave".

Will it be a death blow? Probably not. But rest assured, thismove is throwing the console war into high gear. Sony Executivesand stockholders have a lot to worry about, and in the comingmonths we should really see things heating up.

About the author:SEVEN is a mysterious and influential member of the Microsoftand Bungie Community. He has recently set up a Halo forum and a Halo 3 forum for members todiscuss the latest bungie happenings.


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