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Complete Your Religious Decor With Wall Crosses
By Johann Erickson, Fri Dec 9th

When we decorate with popular symbols, we make a statement aboutwho we are and what we believe. Wallcrosses are one of the most significant symbols we can usein our interior decorating scheme. With strong meaning and evenstronger emotional value, crosses are considered a sacred symbolin many cultures. The basic shape of the wall cross has beenaround since the beginning of time. Over its life span, thecross has stood for many things including immortality andharmony on earth.

When choosing a wall cross you shouldkeep mind your own beliefs and then do your research. Not allcrosses have the same shape or symbolize the same thing. Forexample:

  • The Latin Cross is the traditional cross shapethat most people are familiar with. It is modeled after the oneon which Jesus is thought to have died.
  • Following in theEastern Rite tradition, the Eastern Cross is similar to theLatin Cross, only with three bars at the bottom, one of themslightly slanted. The top bar is representative of PontiusPilate's famous inscription on the cross. The lower bar standsfor the footrest on which Jesus’ feet were placed with nails.The slanted bar has

    varying explanations.

  • With the bottompart of the cross-shaped like an anchor and the top as astandard cross, the Anchor Cross symbolizes the hope and thesteadiness found in faith.
  • The Calvary Cross stands on threesteps--each step is said to stand for one of three emotions ofthe heart: faith, hope and love.
  • The Celtic Cross has agothic look and symbolizes spiritual growth, gender unity, andspirtitual passage.
Among the other wall cross designs arethe Tau Cross, the Gothic Cross, and the Chi-Rho Cross. Each hasits own unique shape, special meaning, and historicalbackground. While adding a decorative element your walls, wallcrosses evoke feelings of peace above a child’s crib, above astaircase, and in family rooms. Once you settle on a particulartype of cross, you will be able to find variations that can bematched to the lines and design of your rooms.

About the author:Johann Erickson is the owner of Online DiscountMart Please include an active link to our site if you'd liketo reprint this article.


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