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Batman Begins By T.S. Johnson, Sat Dec 10th
Batman Begins represents the fifth installment in the Batmanseries and the first new film in the series in eight years.Director by Christopher Nolan (Memento) it also represents thebest film in a series that had become stale and campy and alsothe first of the batman movies to do justice to Frank Miller'sDark Knight vision of the caped crusader. Batman Begins by faris one of the best comic book movies in recent years and thebest characterization of Batman that I never knew I wanted. Thisis a Batman a girl could lust after and any man could respect.He's dark and brooding, human and awe inspiring and troubledenough to warrant running around the city dressed as anoversized bat and still mange not to seem like a man in seriousneed of counseling. This new installment of Batman follows its predecessors in thatthe why Bruce Wayne becomes Batman hasn't changed: He sees hisparents killed by a mugger as a kid and from then on is raisedby his trusty butler Alfred (Micahel Caine) and once he becomesgrown feels the need to save Gotham City from the same criminalelement that killed his parents. What is different is that forthe first time the transformation from traumatized, orphaned kidto avenging, vigilante is believable. The film spends a greatdeal of time, the first hour in fact, addressing how witnessingthe murder of his parents has affected him, from the guilt hefeels that he couldn't save them, to the rage he feels for theman responsible for their deaths. We also finally get anexplanation as to why he chooses a bat as his alter ego that isnot only plausible but believable and compelling. Michael Goyerdid an excellent job humanizing Batman with this script. Insteadof seeming supernatural or extraordinary, he comes across as aman in need of redemption from a haunting and tragic past, onewho pursues his version of justice for the purging of his ownsoul as much as it is for the purging of Gotham City's. Christian Bale has found his calling as the young Bruce Wayneturned Batman. He is the perfect mix of self assurance andarrogance, vulnerability and insecurity. As the playboy BruceWayne he is sexy, alluring and charmingly irresponsible. AsBatman he is anger, fear and justice personified. The duality inhis personality is pulled off without a hitch and the switchbetween billionaire playboy, and winged vigilante is
seamless.Who knew the emaciated actor from the Machinist would find hisperfect fit in a role that had all but been played out.
Also, the movie doesn't suffer from its all star supporting castone bit. Liam Neeson, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman areexcellent as always in their respective roles as mentor, butlerand scientific genius. Neeson as the counselor and mentor to theyoung Bruce Wayne that teaches him all he knows is tough, smartand mysterious. Caine is excellent as the wise and understatedAlfred, the only family Wayne has left and his guardian afterhis parents' death. And Morgan Freeman is Batman's personal Q asthe man responsible for creating all of the gadgets, includinghis costume and the famed batmobile that we've come to expectfrom the Batman movies. Each man puts in an excellentperformance which is to be expected from such gifted actors. The one sour note on the acting front was Katie Holmes. Whileshe's gushing over being Tom Cruise's new gal pal she should askhim for a few acting lessons because goodness knows every timeshe appeared on screen the movie came to a screeching halt.Calling her performance awful doesn't quite cover things. Sheplays Rachel, childhood friend of Bruce Wayne turned loveinterest and the one honest person, along with a detective atthe police precinct, left in Gotham City. As an adult Rachel isassistant DA and the only one left to shake Gotham loose formthe criminal element that has its hold on the city. The problemis Katie Holmes as Rachel has the personality of a nut and thechemistry between Holmes and Bale is so non-existent thatcalling it non-existent is a gross understatement. I say feelfree to kill her off in the sequel, the movie could only improvefrom such an editorial decision. Despite Holmes' awful performance Batman Begins is excellententertainment, immense fun and a great way to spend yourafternoon. For once the Batman movies have fulfilled theirpotential and promise and I can honestly say I can't wait forthe sequel. About the author:In Need of a Review? PrologueReviews.com Offers ProfessionalReviews for Everyday Artists. To Have Your Book, Music, Film orVideo Reviewed Visit http://www.prologuereviews.com Today!