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Do You Need A Change Of Mind?
By Saleem Rana, Wed Dec 7th

Napoleon Hill, the famous inspirational writer, once met areader who became a millionaire after reading one of his books.The book, Think and Grow Rich, transformed Bill McCall ofAustralia from rags to riches.

When Bill was 19 years old, he sold hides and skins. He failedmiserably. Two years later, he ran for Federal Congress. Again,he failed. In desperation, Bill went to the library to readabout success principles. There, he found Hill's book.

Although he read the book three times, he failed to see how touse the success principles. Then, during the fourth reading,something shifted within him, a flash of inspiration, and hislife changed.

Years later, after meeting the author, Bill McCall, now theHonorable William V. McCall, now a director of 22 family-ownedbusinesses, and now a man as rich as the people whom he had onceread about, narrated the moment his life fell into place.

"I was reading Think and Grow Rich for the fourth time whilewalking leisurely along a business street in Sydney. And then ithappened! It happened suddenly. I stopped in front of a meatmarket and glanced up. And in that fraction of a second I had aflash of inspiration.

"You see, I was reading Chapter Four entitled 'Autosuggestion.'The subheading was 'The Medium for Influencing the SubconsciousMind.' Now I remember that when I was a boy my father read aloudfrom Emile Coue's little book Self-Mastery Through ConsciousAutosuggestion."

"It was you," Bill said to Napoleon Hill, "who pointed out inyour book that if Emile Coue was successful in helpingindividuals avoid sickness and in bringing the sick back to goodhealth, through conscious autosuggestion, autosuggestion couldalso be used to acquire riches or anything else one mightdesire. 'Get rich through autosuggestion': that was

my greatdiscovery. It was a new concept to me.

"You know: conscious autosuggestion is the agency of controlthrough which an individual may voluntarily feed hissubconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or, byneglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find theirway into the rich garden of his mind.

"When you read aloud twice daily the written statement of yourdesire for money with emotion and concentrated attention, andyou see and feel yourself already in possession of the money,you communicate the object of your desire directly to yoursubconscious mind. Through repetition of this procedure, youvoluntarily create thought habits which are favorable to yourefforts to transmute desire into its monetary equivalent.

"Let me say it again: It is most important that when you readaloud the statement of your desire through which you areendeavoring to develop a money consciousness, you read withemotion and strong feeling.

"Your ability to use the principles of autosuggestion willdepend very largely upon your capacity to concentrate upon agiven desire until that desire becomes a burning desire.

"When I arrived home, out of breath for running, I immediatelyset down at the dining room table and wrote: 'My definite majoraim is to be a millionaire by 1960.'"

The Honorable William V. McCall, the youngest person to be amember of the house of parliament, achieved his definite majoraim to be a millionaire four days before his deadline.

About the author:Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from CaliforniaLutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspiredover ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how tocreate a remarkable life. Free information.

Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass thisarticle on to your friends, or use it in your ezine ornewsletter. It's a shareware article.


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