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Why Adsense Accounts Get Disabled (part Ii)
By ecreator
In this article I will explain to you how an autosurf can be the cause of your Google account getting disabled.

Long back in the past, when I just started my first website, I was desperate for traffic. So the best solution for me was to join
a few of these autosurf programs, and I did exactly that.
I did some autosurfing and the next thing I knew, I got a letter from Google. Ya, they informed me that there was some illegal
clicks on my adsense ads on my site. I was terrified! How could this be? I asked myself. I read the letter further and Google had the decency
to point out to me what the cause could be. One of the items on their list was autosurfs. Can you believe it? They were sending false hits
to my site!! GRRRRR!!

Luckely for me Google did NOT disable my account (thanks heavens), but said

that next time IT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
I immediately disabled my autosurf accounts and slept a lot better at night. Happy Googling!!

In my next article, I will show you how anonymousy can be the cause of getting your Adsense account disabled.

Article Directory:

ecreator is the webmaster of A FREE ONLINE LANGUAGE TRANSLATION SERVICE where all the articles can be autotranslated to 17 languages and a huge Article Directory.


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