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7 Secrets To High Performance Thinking - Part 7
By John Colanzi, Thu Dec 8th

The first six secrets were the blocks building up to the realsecret behind high performance thinking.

High performance thinkers recognize the awesome power of theirsubconscious mind.

* Relaxation

* Visualization

* Autosuggestion

* Goal Setting

* Whole-Brained Thinking

* Humor

All of the above are designed to help you unleash the awesomepower of your subconscious mind.

The subconscious has been called the sleeping giant. It's like abig bear hibernating during the winter.

It's waiting for you to wake it so it can do its work.

All systems from Silva Mind Control and NLP to the mysticaltraditions such as Yoga and Martial Arts are designed to take usbeyond our cultural conditioning.


are all designed to help us realize that there is more tohigh performance thinking than our logical analytical thinking.

Hunches, intuition etc. are the results of our subconsciousworking behind the scenes.

In the words of Maxwell Maltz, "Within you right now is thepower to do things you never dreamed possible. This powerbecomes available to you just as you can change your beliefs."

That power to make your dreams come true is your subconsciousmind.

Maybe it's time you woke the sleeping giant and put it to workfor you.

About the author:John Colanzi has been writing for the Internet for 3 years. Hehas shown hundreds of webmasters how to use mindset medicationto join the ranks of the successful, prosperous marketers. Hislatest eBook, "7 Secrets Of Success" is available free at:


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