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Getting The Most Out Of Autosurf Programs
By Greger Klen
People using autosurf programs to increase their webtraffic know them to be very unreliable, perhaps with a few exceptions that have been around for ages. With new programs popping up every day, it’s hard to know what to do with them.

Another thing autosurfers encounter is the huge difference betweens the programs abilities to send traffic; some dish out more than you can ever earn, while others only send you a few hits a day. Using some of these, smaller autosurfs can have advantages, if you only use them the right way;

Don’t surf too much

If they can’t deliver the traffic, stacking up credits are of no use to you. Instead, you should only surf as much as the program can actually send back to you.

Add more pages into rotation

Make sure to add as many pages into rotation as possible. Getting a few hits a day to multiple pages is, of course, far better than only to one page. If you don’t have enough pages, add some referral pages from autosurfs of higher quality or make a few pages with affiliate banners on them. Autosurfs where you need to upgrade to add more pages into rotation – and only deliver a small amount of traffic – should be discarded. The number of autosurfs are virtually endless, no need to stick with the poor ones.

Join new autosurfs regularly

As most, if not all, autosurf programs offer you free credits when you sign up, you should try to find as many new autosurfs you possibly can. Even if they only send you a few hits a day, adding a whole bunch of them would give you at least some more traffic. Using other referral pages on most of them can add to your downline on other autosurfs.

Use other similar services

Using other, similar, services will let you make even more use of the autosurf traffic. Sending people to referral pages

on traffic exchanges can make you convert autosurf credits into an extensive downline at a few traffic exchanges. Even though the traffic received from traffic exchanges is poor, it is much better than autosurf traffic. If you see yourself making this tradeoff, it’s a good deal.

Make sure you surf often enough

Most autosurfs will deactivate your account if it is inactive for 30 days, when inactive – you will no longer receive any visitors, so make sure to surf a few pages every month. This should be done even on the autosurfs not delivering much traffic.
Making pages with affiliate programs

Making a few pages with affiliate programs presented to them is an excellent way of monetizing from your Autosurfing. Many affiliate programs detest this kind of traffic, so make sure you read the terms & conditions and never, ever allocate credits directly to an affiliate link. Nor should you ever allocate credits to a page with Adsense; that is a sure way of loosing your earnings.

Using autosurfs as the only way of driving traffic to your website is pointless, you will rarely make any progress using only autosurfs. They can, how ever, be used as a free way of increasing your website traffic.

Article Directory:

Greger is writing about increasing your website traffic - and earnings using affiliate programs - using free methods like autosurf programs, traffic exchanges and similar services.


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