how to twink: a basic process |
by ariiadne
president of white cycle
Question one: wtf is a twink?
a twink is a mostly lower level character, 0-100ish, who is overhauled and raised to the next level. everything about them is perfect, if done correctly, and they are more powerful than anyone else in their level range. they have the best armor, the best weapons, the best implants, and the best gear. all the right skills, the right balance of armor and damage. they are the best of the best. some of the things you can do with a twink: cast spells that most people 20 levels higher cast, use weapons that people 20 levels higher use, and wear armor that is twice your level or more in their QL. some enforcer twinks take 3 or 4 people to take down. a trader twink can ransack and deprive and root and quickly kill an enforcer 10-15 levels higher then him. an agent can do half your life in aimed shot damage, then root and kill you as you stand frozen and helpless. all classes have their pros and cons, but for the most part, you will want to go enforcer/trader/agent. those are the best/easiest classes to twink. if yer up for a challenge try one of the others, but it could be very time consuming and costly. but you may love the end result, too.
- you can substitute agility and str scores/ implants with scores/implants that reflect your needs
so you wanna twink do you? its a difficult process so here we go step by step:
first remember that you dont always have to remove the agility/stamina/ whatever implants implants, so you can make the implants around the agility cluster. this is best for armor tho ( so they dont become over-equipped - thats bad), and not really needed if yer just gonna put in implants. example so instead of just a Agility Leg Shiny Agility Implant you could put in a Agility Leg Shiny Agility, Bright Evade Close Combat, Faded Max Health as the finished product, so you dont have to remove later.
some helpful sites for you as you are twinking: interpolate those items! to see what scores you need to get to. or just look up that dream weapon. Nano Nanny - the best tool aiding in twinkage, an implant designer thats quick and super easy.
if you have good ncu skip step 1
step 1 well yer gonna want ncu, so you can get a bunch of high level buffs. so get some high level computer literacy implants in. theres no real best way, cause there are rifles for all ability scores, so im gonna go agility. so first, what you need to do is, make Req. agility implants that add to your agility. insert them. then using your new agility score, make the new computer lit implants that Req. agility. stick them in. get the +20 comp lit buff. check your new comp lit score, get a high level deck within that score range (for use until you get the deck from totw off guardian of time) hopefully its a 3 or 4 slotter, then get ncu for each slot. if you are still short on ncu and are over lv 24, get a fixer ncu buff. also, if you have the money and the skill to make, carb armor will add ncu as well.
Reinforced NCU Component Belt ql1
Reinforced NCU Component Belt ql20
Reinforced NCU Component Belt ql40
Reinforced NCU Component Belt ql80
Reinforced NCU Component Belt ql120
Reinforced NCU Component Belt ql200
step 2 note: there is a million different ways to make these implants, so im assuming you make 2 agility implants that require stamina and 1 that requires agility (cause thats the way i had to go). ok now that you got the ncu, get an essence of behemoth and iron circle from an enf and doc, resp, and put in stamina implants as high as you can get in. then check your stamina score. use nano nanny to see what ql implants you can get in with that stamina score - you want to make 2 agility implant as high as the stamina score will allow (the ones that Req stamina) ok then what you do is check your new agility score, and make the last agility req implant: agility as high as you can according to your new agility score. now you have your final agility score. you will make all other implants require agility so you can get really high ones on.
step 3 - optional but good to have - get an agility rifle on without raising your scores: you can get an agility rifle that adds +20 to your agil score without using your valuable ips. get unexpected attack and take the shot from an agent, rifle and aimed shot expertise, and then whatever you need left, get a wrangle for. you may have to raise the aimed shot a bit. bam +20 agility
Tsakachumi PTO-HV.2 Counter-Sniper Rifle
step 4 you can either go back and make a new agility Req: agility implant based on your new score, or continue. get feline grace from an agent. whatever your Agility is now, check nano nanny and make implants within that range and whatever other clusters you need, as long as they require agility at the end.
step 5 you may have to make comp lit implants to raise your comp lit. but remember that the implant machine gives +100. you can also get +79 from omni-med suit and a +80 from superior first aid from a doc. there are many other items that add comp lit here and there.
the finishing touches: once you reach your target level, whether its 25, 45, 90, 120 etc. yer gonna want to have the max amount of skills in weapon and armor categories (example: an enforcer with mantis and a stygian will want implants for agility, stamina, and 2he). yer gonna want to have enough spells skills to cast the best spells you can. yer gonna want to make map navigation implants, as high as possible, so you dont have to add much ip into your map skills. get all the maps you can uploaded and then replace with the final implants. treatment/first aid implants are good as well, for high quality healing items. use comp lit implants to get the best ncu you can get in. run speed implants are helpful, as well as nano resist implants. one of the best things you can get are hp clusters. and you also cant go wrong with clusters that add to your ACs.
The main rule of twinking is to get everything and anything that will add to your damage and your hit points. Where as Cas Symbiotic armor is great for adding hp n stuff, metallic mantis armor is much better if you use projectile or energy damage, because it adds to both those scores. try to get a full suit of it on. other really good armors besides met mantis and cas are carb and storm carb. carbonum adds ncu, and is good to have on at low levels to get good spells cast upon you so you can twink more. storm carb adds nano and nano resist as well.
Info on how to make Metallic Mantis
Info on how to make Storm Carbonum
A Note on these armors: you can interpolate them, ie, put in the desired ql of the armor in the top right corner and click enter and you will see what the requirements are for that ql.
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weapons need to be quick and do a lot of damage, more damage that can be cured by a doctor and more damage to outdo hots. i cannot tell you the best ones, cause many can be used very effectively in the right cicumstances with the right skills. basic line is, you want to outdamage them before they outdamage you. try to get all the special attacks you can (fullauto, burst, aimedshot, flingshot, brawl, etc, and also perks) most specials will always hit your target, and its always great to take a huge chunk of life off, especially when its the last chuck of life.
Short on Weapon Skill? get a wrangle to raise it, up to 131. these dont affect special attack scores, such as burst or aimedshot.
Basic Must Have Spells for going into battle:
depending on how much ncu you have, fill er up! get a Hot and Run from a fixer, and an Essence from an enforcer. this is a great foundation for you, at least have enough ncu to be able to have these cast upon you. Essence will add str and stam which is great if you have str and stam req armor, such as CAS symbiotic. this way if a trader ransacks/deprives you, you have a little more leeway before armor goes over equipped. Plus it adds HP, and the best thing to do when you are a twink is have more HP and do more Damage. Hots (heal over time) spells are great, last a good long time, and if you have drhacknquack on a 20-40, will make nigh invincible unless you are ganged up upon. Run, well, adds to your run, which is great if you want to run away, or catch that pesky trader who seems to always be outta reach.
There are many other spells you can have on to that will really help you out. I have many of them listed below, such as RRFE and OS.
To Team or not to team:
if you are farming titles, dont team. a team will null and void any kills you get. but the best way to survive out there is to get on a well laid out team - say, 3 enforcers, 2 traders and a doc. that would be a great team because: the enforcers can run up and attack while the traders root and deprive/ransack all the enemies, and as they are taking damage the doc can heal. with good hots and runs, the doc wont have to heal much and can attack or scout. the traders can attack then after devastating the skills of the enemies. it doesnt matter really who is on your team rather than to just be on one - having everyone there working together and communicating is the way to do it. else it turns into chaos.
When towers go 5%:
when towers go 5%, they will attack you. if you are defending an orgs towers, and if you have auto attack enemy on, turn it off, or you will attack and then our towers will be open to attack for 1 hour because you attacked a tower (doesnt matter if omni/neut/or clan) which really sucks
one way around this: get on a team with somebody from the org whose towers you are helping to defend.
Hell of Twinks:
There are some really hella twinks out there, to see what they do and how they respond, the arena in tir is a good place to pick a fight. go there and discover what awaits you on the battlefield.
Doing it yourself:
getting that right ql implant is hard. but you can do it if you know somebody who can clean implants. when you add clusters to implants, depending on how high your skills are (i believe its either nano programming or treatment that dictates this), it will go up in ql. so you have a 90 implant, and you add 3 clusters, it goes up 1 for every cluster, and then you clean it. now you have a ql93 empty implant. if you need a ql96 implant, just add the 3 clusters you need to the 93 and there ya are! this is a very very expensive and time consuming process, and tricky as well, because some clusters raise the ql 1 and some raise it 2 (after you pass ql100) so if you need exactly 125, you have to get a ql110 (or find a better one) and say 2 of the clusters raise the ql 2 and 1 raises it 1, you have to buy 5 (of the one that raises it 2) clusters to add and then clean, add and then clean, until it is ql120. then add the 3 clusters and bam you gotz a 125 - for the perfect fit.
adds to your ncu.
adds to your run speed.
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
![]() The target begins to phase between the Grid and re... |
Healing over time. great for going into battles.
+20 to str and stamina
+80 to your treatment
These add to your HP, strength and stamina.
this adds 40 points of STR, which is really great! doesnt mix with iron circle, but you can still another 27 from essence of behemoth.
These agent spells can help you get that agility rifle on
the Shot
Increases the Aimed Shot skill of the target by 13...
One of the Best ways to get an weapon on, get one of these cast upon you, and pop that weapon on. hopefully it wont go to 75% when it runs out.
A favorite of traders, these spells can totally F you over. they will lower all your skills, so all your armor goes OE so you take more damage, all your weapons go OE so you do really terrible damage, and all your nano skills drop so you cant cast your best spells. it really sucks.
good spells from soldiers
Reflective Field (Extended)
Surrounds the target with a defensive barrier that...
Offensive Steamroller
Turns the target into an offensive juggernaut, inc...
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