(all references to bnet are now Phatznet instead (for clan))
Quick Way Back To Pande Garden:
. if you die or if you need to evac and can grid in SLs (like fixer), use
key or grid to penumbra garden and fall off edge. This brings you
to wherever you last saved. If you last saved in Pande, ta-da, yer
back! (thanks to Makerofnoise)
There is no limit on number of teams.
You *cannot* dual log characters and raid in BNet. Log one character and
help 100%. 1) Warning 2) Raidremove/Kick from bot 3) Week Ban
You must abide by raid leaders call to form teams with specific
professions, etc. and to be tank if called upon. If you feel you cannot
fill a role as asked, leave the raid immediately.
If all enforcers refuse to tank, the RL will add all to a roll, roll it,
and the winning enfie will be or tank.
If/when you fall/die during a raid and can't get back safely, leave the
bot. Immediately.
Upon joining the bot you automatically agree to have your online status
tracked. Your status will only be used inside Bnet and used to invite
you to a raid when its started.
Levels & Raiding
Beast: 215+
The Nightheart: 215+
Zodiacs: 205+
Exceptions: Docs and MPs and Engies may be 205+ if not enough 215+ are
Raid Start: The raid leader or a designated raider will be assigned the
task of making sure that all toons in the bot are actually at the raid.
You will be banned for one week if you're found to be in violation and
don't respond to tells. Don't go AFK w/o doing so in the bot. Two
strikes, month ban. Three, permaban.
During the Raid: Listen to the raidleader. First infraction, 1 day kick;
second 1 week suspension; third permaban.
Beast: The raid teams will be recreated on the last island, and only
people who survive get points. People not in raidlist will be
Bidding: /tell bnet bid # to get into the bidding. /tell bnet unbid to
remove yourself. If you bid and lose, you will lose 1 point. Be sure to
only bid on items you want to win and are serious about.
Beast: 3 Bpoints
The Nightheart: 3 Tpoints
Zodiacs: 3 Zpoints
Your points are non-transferable. Bpoints can only be used for Beast
loot, same for other point types. Points cannot be bought or sold.
All mis-looting, in any form, results in a week or perma ban. Be sure
you're looting the item you won or you'll be banned.
You may convert any point type to Zpoints. 1 bpoints = 4 zpoints, 1
tpoint = 1 zpoints. To convert do /tell bnet bconvert or /tell bnet
Silent bidding, and you must bid at least 1 point. Person with the
highest bid wins. No whining, ever.
Items with a profession lock are limited to bidding by members of that
profession. No exceptions.
Items with a level limit are limited to players at or above that level.
No exceptions.
Only the winner of an item may loot it. You may not bid for others. No
expections. See above.
Any violations of above rules, including ninja looting in any form
(including reference slips), will result in a ban.
These rules are never set in stone. They are open to adjustments,
changes, and additions at any time. Feel free to /tell Roedran with
ideas and thoughts. Keep the flames, rants, etc. to yourself.