SUAVE is bringerofdeath_00
<MistressShadow> hi
<MistressShadow> sorry i didn't see u b4
<MistressShadow> i was getting a drink
<bringerofdeath_00> what kind of drink
<MistressShadow> cold one
<MistressShadow> cos its hot and stick here
<MistressShadow> and i had way too much last night so something to settle my
stomach too
<MistressShadow> so whats ur asl
<MistressShadow> sticky*
<bringerofdeath_00> STICKY sticky what
<MistressShadow> its hot and sticky is what i was mean t ot say not just
<MistressShadow> so ur asl
<MistressShadow> what are they
<bringerofdeath_00> what
<bringerofdeath_00> 10 M st cloud
<MistressShadow> your 10 years old
<bringerofdeath_00> i mean 19
<bringerofdeath_00> oopse
<bringerofdeath_00> retard at work
<MistressShadow> i thought that was a little strange
<MistressShadow> where is st cloud when its at home
<MistressShadow> lol
<MistressShadow> k
<bringerofdeath_00> k
<MistressShadow> so what music r u into then
<MistressShadow> if u r still there
<bringerofdeath_00> i like it all
<MistressShadow> all, well u must have a type of music u like more or less
than another
<bringerofdeath_00> no
<bringerofdeath_00> what do you do
<MistressShadow> well i like gothic music the most
<MistressShadow> do u mean what doi i do in my spare time
<bringerofdeath_00> yes
<MistressShadow> pubs festivals read write clubs see friends walk in the
woods/forest listen to music
<MistressShadow> swimming shopping lots of stuff
<MistressShadow> and u
<bringerofdeath_00> jesus, more information than necessary
<MistressShadow> k
<bringerofdeath_00> whats the next chapter in novel of yours
<bringerofdeath_00> Im sorry
<MistressShadow> humuor with out the funny part
<bringerofdeath_00> right
<MistressShadow> well if u don't wanna chat ill b off
<bringerofdeath_00> wait
<MistressShadow> what
<bringerofdeath_00> where are you from
<MistressShadow> the uk
<MistressShadow> is that all
<bringerofdeath_00> no no wait
<MistressShadow> now what
<bringerofdeath_00> could you please just rub it for me
<bringerofdeath_00> just a little
<MistressShadow> sorry
<bringerofdeath_00> please
<bringerofdeath_00> im dyin
<bringerofdeath_00> i need someone to rub it right here
<MistressShadow> if i could find it u may be in with a chance but thats very
<MistressShadow> so u may just have to die
<bringerofdeath_00> I was thinking maybe me and you should go see a movie
<bringerofdeath_00> Why do you hate me
<MistressShadow> and i was thinking your a stranger little boy who i know
nothing about
<bringerofdeath_00> all i asked was for some rubbin
<MistressShadow> i didn't say i hated u
<bringerofdeath_00> well you said i should die
<bringerofdeath_00> that really hearts in me in my heart
<bringerofdeath_00> ouch
<MistressShadow> u said u will die if u don't get what u want
<bringerofdeath_00> my heart hurts
<MistressShadow> ie rubbing
<bringerofdeath_00> so is that a yes
<MistressShadow> and im not some silly 15 year old who would just go oh ok
<bringerofdeath_00> i never said you were
<bringerofdeath_00> I think you're interesting
<MistressShadow> well from the way u behave i would say u seem to b younger
than 19
<MistressShadow> and if so then that means your imature
<bringerofdeath_00> I read all sorts of stuff about the UK
<MistressShadow> which means that so will ur body
<MistressShadow> what that were all stiff upper lipped
<MistressShadow> drink tea
<MistressShadow> and don't like sex
<MistressShadow> and say whato
<bringerofdeath_00> NO
<bringerofdeath_00> whato?
<MistressShadow> what then
<bringerofdeath_00> I like fawlty tours
<bringerofdeath_00> fawlty towers
<bringerofdeath_00> do you like john clease
<MistressShadow> sorry disconnected
<MistressShadow> if u said anything i missed it
<MistressShadow> k u seem not to want to talk again
<MistressShadow> so i'll leave u