SUAVE is bringerofdeath_00
<bringerofdeath_00> lil
<bringerofdeath_00> hey
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> hey
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> whats up
<bringerofdeath_00> nuttin
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> a/s/l/
<bringerofdeath_00> 19-m-st. cloud
<bringerofdeath_00> U
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> 22 canadian gal here
<bringerofdeath_00> do u like younger guys
<bringerofdeath_00> Q
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> sure
<bringerofdeath_00> nice
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> The last guy I fooled around with was 19 actually
<bringerofdeath_00> you Freak you
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> haha
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> im kidding
<bringerofdeath_00> too bad
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> yup.. too bad for you
<bringerofdeath_00> pic
<bringerofdeath_00> how do you know thats such a bad thing
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> ey
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> whats a bad thing
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> fooling around with a younger guy
<bringerofdeath_00> where abouts in Canada
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> alberta
<bringerofdeath_00> thats close to ST. cloud
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> is it
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> how close
<bringerofdeath_00> oh yeah,
<bringerofdeath_00> 15-20 minutes
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> really
<bringerofdeath_00> oh yeah
<bringerofdeath_00> come over
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> st cloud.. is that near Fort mcmurray.. i dont think it
<bringerofdeath_00> well it is
<bringerofdeath_00> I was born in Fort McMurray
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> I just said alberta.. and you said it was close..
alberta could have meant edmonton.. calgary
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> you were born here.. really
<bringerofdeath_00> oh yeah
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> did you gp to high chool here
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> go that is
<bringerofdeath_00> no
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> You didnt go to high school here
<bringerofdeath_00> no
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> elementry?
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> what.. you were born here than fuct off rite away
<bringerofdeath_00> yep
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> To st cloud
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> So Bringer of death.. what are you up to today?
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> why the nick?
<bringerofdeath_00> you see, my mother wanted me to expand my horizons so
she took the liberty of home schooling me, I actually graduated two years
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> ahh.. home schooling. thats shitty
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> school is a good thing.. you experience allot
<bringerofdeath_00> U think so . elementry
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> To each their own I suppose
<bringerofdeath_00> yes
<bringerofdeath_00> I agree
<bringerofdeath_00> i got a job today
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> working where
<bringerofdeath_00> chopping wood for the city
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> and why arnt you there
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> doing that
<bringerofdeath_00> start monday
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> what city
<bringerofdeath_00> Alberta
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> alberta isnt a city.. so much for home schooling ey
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> haha
<bringerofdeath_00> st. cloud eh
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> yups
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> well Im outta here. Im going tanning
<bringerofdeath_00> we tend to stick to the basics, we don't clutter our
minds with canadian broo-ha-ha
<bringerofdeath_00> bye
<Lil_Cutie_Pie_666> whatever. cya
<bringerofdeath_00> hey