SUAVE is bringerofdeath99
<Dismanisgonnakillya> hello
<bringerofdeath99> hi how's it goin?
<bringerofdeath99> i'm fantastic right now!
<bringerofdeath99> WOOHOOOOOO
<Dismanisgonnakillya> pleeze, dont ask, my life sucks
<Dismanisgonnakillya> how r u?
<bringerofdeath99> why's that?
<bringerofdeath99> see above
<Dismanisgonnakillya> cant, only just joined the room
<Dismanisgonnakillya> a/s/l
<bringerofdeath99> no- me being fantastic n all - just above on this im
<Dismanisgonnakillya> what?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> a/s/l
<bringerofdeath99> <Dismanisgonnakillya> hello <bringerofdeath99> hi how's
it goin? <bringerofdeath99> i'm fantastic right now! <bringerofdeath99>
<bringerofdeath99> you see?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> no, soeey i am real slow today
<bringerofdeath99> he he
<Dismanisgonnakillya> *sorry*
<Dismanisgonnakillya> a/s/l
<bringerofdeath99> so why does your life suck?
<bringerofdeath99> don't apologize - i don't care
<bringerofdeath99> you'll never ever have to apologize to me!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> oh, my best friend is the gurl i wanna go out wiv,
<Dismanisgonnakillya> my other mate is gay an came onto me
<bringerofdeath99> you wanna go out with her?
<bringerofdeath99> soooo?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i love her, she likes me
<bringerofdeath99> at least you've got choices!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> wha?
<bringerofdeath99> that's cool
<bringerofdeath99> asl
<Dismanisgonnakillya> 15/m/uk
<Dismanisgonnakillya> u?
<bringerofdeath99> 19/m/usa
<Dismanisgonnakillya> wot state?
<bringerofdeath99> well, dude, you've got choice a> hit on the girl
<bringerofdeath99> choice b> hit on the guy
<bringerofdeath99> it's up to u
<Dismanisgonnakillya> been there done that, bought the t-shirt
<Dismanisgonnakillya> asked her 3 or 4 times
<bringerofdeath99> so which will it bee?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> baught her roses
<Dismanisgonnakillya> etc
<Dismanisgonnakillya> etc
<Dismanisgonnakillya> etc
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<bringerofdeath99> i'm just sayin you have choices
<bringerofdeath99> it's up to u
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i dont understand
<bringerofdeath99> <Dismanisgonnakillya> oh, my best friend is the gurl i
wanna go out wiv, <Dismanisgonnakillya> my other mate is gay an came onto me
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lo;
<bringerofdeath99> guy or girl
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<bringerofdeath99> at least you've got choices!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> wha?
<bringerofdeath99> that's cool
<bringerofdeath99> asl
<Dismanisgonnakillya> 15/m/uk
<Dismanisgonnakillya> u?
<bringerofdeath99> 19/m/usa
<Dismanisgonnakillya> wot state?
<bringerofdeath99> well, dude, you've got choice a> hit on the girl
<bringerofdeath99> choice b> hit on the guy
<bringerofdeath99> it's up to u
<Dismanisgonnakillya> been there done that, bought the t-shirt
<Dismanisgonnakillya> asked her 3 or 4 times
<bringerofdeath99> so which will it bee?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> baught her roses
<Dismanisgonnakillya> etc
<Dismanisgonnakillya> etc
<Dismanisgonnakillya> etc
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<bringerofdeath99> i'm just sayin you have choices
<bringerofdeath99> it's up to u
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i dont understand
<bringerofdeath99> <Dismanisgonnakillya> oh, my best friend is the gurl i
wanna go out wiv, <Dismanisgonnakillya> my other mate is gay an came onto me
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lo;
<bringerofdeath99> guy or girl
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<bringerofdeath99> one of my best friends
<Dismanisgonnakillya> well, i personly don't like gays
<Dismanisgonnakillya> they ALWAYS go for me
<bringerofdeath99> they don't bother me
<bringerofdeath99> i figure, if everyone leaves me alone, they can do
whatever they want
<Dismanisgonnakillya> what music u into?
<bringerofdeath99> punk rock
<Dismanisgonnakillya> oh man, I hate that
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<bringerofdeath99> hate punk rock?!?!?!?!
<bringerofdeath99> how can you hate punk rock!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> hang on
<Dismanisgonnakillya> what kinda bands are punk rock, i always get confusd
<bringerofdeath99> guttermouth, nofx, the queers, screeching weasel, the
lillingtons, darlington, mtx, the living end
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i aint herd of N E of them
<bringerofdeath99> rancid, the vandals, afi
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i love the vandals!!!
<bringerofdeath99> you need to check these guys out
<bringerofdeath99> yeah me too!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> They rock
<bringerofdeath99> i just saw them on warped tour!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> u like Blink 182 and Limp Bizkit?
<bringerofdeath99> warren got up on a speaker and was pulling his shorts
over his shoulder
<bringerofdeath99> it was funny as hell
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol :)
<bringerofdeath99> blink played there too - i don't like blink too much
<bringerofdeath99> i used to until they got on mtv
<Dismanisgonnakillya> awww, there new album is well class
<bringerofdeath99> now every jock in the world listens to them
<bringerofdeath99> they produce good music, don't get me wrong
<Dismanisgonnakillya> yup
<bringerofdeath99> i just don't like the others who listen to them
<Dismanisgonnakillya> ok, that is odd
<bringerofdeath99> ok what's your favorite band - of all time!!!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> dunno
<bringerofdeath99> name the band that you like the most!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> Either Limp Bizkit or The Tribe
<bringerofdeath99> say a bunch of dirty hippies began listening to them
<Dismanisgonnakillya> yeah
<bringerofdeath99> and those bands became a big dirty hippie band
<Dismanisgonnakillya> oic
<bringerofdeath99> and from then on only dirty hippies were associated with
your favorite band
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i grt u now
<bringerofdeath99> and you'd go to concerts and there'd be girls with hairy
armpits and piercings and guys with dreads
<Dismanisgonnakillya> *get*
<bringerofdeath99> it;s just not right, right?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> left
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<bringerofdeath99> hee hee
<Dismanisgonnakillya> yeah i get it
<bringerofdeath99> ok
<bringerofdeath99> good
<bringerofdeath99> that's how i feel about blink
<Dismanisgonnakillya> what kinda TV u got up there?
<bringerofdeath99> in minnesota?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> yup
<bringerofdeath99> i dunno - cable
<bringerofdeath99> mtv
<bringerofdeath99> mtvx
<bringerofdeath99> mtvsp
<bringerofdeath99> comedy central
<bringerofdeath99> hbo
<Dismanisgonnakillya> no dude, whats it like, what kinda programs run most,
<Dismanisgonnakillya> like crap adverts
<bringerofdeath99> we got your crazy weakest link
<bringerofdeath99> what the hells up with that
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i cant stand it
<Dismanisgonnakillya> she is......
<bringerofdeath99> its huge over here
<Dismanisgonnakillya> do i need to end?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> o man!!!
<bringerofdeath99> she is just a lady who is good at her job
<Dismanisgonnakillya> GOOD???????????
<bringerofdeath99> to fuck with people
<Dismanisgonnakillya> Oh, my poor little ears!!!!!
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<Dismanisgonnakillya> lol
<Dismanisgonnakillya> :)
<bringerofdeath99> she can give people sjot
<bringerofdeath99> shit
<bringerofdeath99> she's pretty witty
<bringerofdeath99> that's all you english are about, right - the witty
<bringerofdeath99> ?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> G2G
<Dismanisgonnakillya> cya
<bringerofdeath99> monty python
<Dismanisgonnakillya> huh?
<bringerofdeath99> black adder
<Dismanisgonnakillya> what?
<bringerofdeath99> the wit is what makes the show
<bringerofdeath99> right?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> oic
<Dismanisgonnakillya> u like all the old classics?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i luv em
<bringerofdeath99> yeah, i'm mostly english
<Dismanisgonnakillya> A/s/l?
<bringerofdeath99> my dads english
<bringerofdeath99> 19/m/mn
<Dismanisgonnakillya> mn?
<bringerofdeath99> i told you once
<Dismanisgonnakillya> huh?
<Dismanisgonnakillya> oh man i am thick
<bringerofdeath99> c'mon - the argument clinic
<Dismanisgonnakillya> sorry
<bringerofdeath99> i told you once
<Dismanisgonnakillya> i havent seen that?
<bringerofdeath99> monty python
<bringerofdeath99> i told you once
<bringerofdeath99> no you didn'
<bringerofdeath99> yes i did
<Dismanisgonnakillya> yeh i know, i just havent seen that one
<bringerofdeath99> when
<bringerofdeath99> just now
<bringerofdeath99> no you didn't
<bringerofdeath99> i did
<bringerofdeath99> you did not
<bringerofdeath99> look this isn't an argument
<bringerofdeath99> yes it is
<bringerofdeath99> no it is not
<bringerofdeath99> it's just contradiction
<bringerofdeath99> it is not
<bringerofdeath99> it is
<bringerofdeath99> look you just contradicted me