SUAVE is bringerofdeath_00
<bringerofdeath_00> me
<EZ-PZ> you what?
<bringerofdeath_00> I would like to talk to a 13 year old
<bringerofdeath_00> please
<bringerofdeath_00> 15-f-UK
<EZ-PZ> hwre in the UK
<EZ-PZ> where in the UK
<bringerofdeath_00> where R U
<EZ-PZ> wales
<bringerofdeath_00> me too
<bringerofdeath_00> where abouts
<EZ-PZ> colwyn bay
<bringerofdeath_00> we re really close
<EZ-PZ> where R U??
<bringerofdeath_00> in the tub
<EZ-PZ> huh|????
<EZ-PZ> where bR U in wales
<bringerofdeath_00> yeah , my dad is so he got me one of those internet
<EZ-PZ> sorry, i didn't get that last message
<bringerofdeath_00> thats it
<EZ-PZ> where in wales R U
<EZ-PZ> where in wales R U
<EZ-PZ> If you dont tell me I know U R lying
<bringerofdeath_00> wouldn't you like to know , all you boys are the same ,
sex, sex, sex. Havent you ever tried getting to know a girL?
<EZ-PZ> what part of wales R U in
<bringerofdeath_00> left testicle
<bringerofdeath_00> hey big boy