DANTE is bringerofdeath99
<bringerofdeath99> what's up killer?
<_Scorpion_666_> avio.
<bringerofdeath99> how are things in italy?
<_Scorpion_666_> pal, you got the wrong guy...
<_Scorpion_666_> sorry man.
<bringerofdeath99> hell no i don't
<_Scorpion_666_> must be my brother...
<_Scorpion_666_> i don't know where he is at...
<bringerofdeath99> why did you say aviation
<_Scorpion_666_> he has beenm out for tow months now.
<_Scorpion_666_> avitation
<_Scorpion_666_> aviation, HE is, im not.
<bringerofdeath99> why did you say avio
<_Scorpion_666_> it was the wrong screen.
<bringerofdeath99> so you're not italian?
<_Scorpion_666_> yes...
<_Scorpion_666_> now wait.
<_Scorpion_666_> i have a friend who is.
<_Scorpion_666_> he owns this pc.
<bringerofdeath99> well does he bump and grind?
<bringerofdeath99> does he party like it
<_Scorpion_666_> sometimes, why you ask?
<bringerofdeath99> does he party like it's 2 years ago?
<_Scorpion_666_> have you spoken to him before?
<bringerofdeath99> he's one bad mutha
<_Scorpion_666_> i don't know, why?
<bringerofdeath99> he's down
<bringerofdeath99> he used to go out with my sister's friend
<bringerofdeath99> man he taught me some shit
<bringerofdeath99> how long you known this cat?
<_Scorpion_666_> i really think you got the wrong guy...
<bringerofdeath99> naw we used to smoke weed down by the bridge
<_Scorpion_666_> what's his name?
<bringerofdeath99> what kind of music do you like
<bringerofdeath99> i can't remember
<bringerofdeath99> i was like 5
<bringerofdeath99> or 8 maybe
<bringerofdeath99> is it steve?
<bringerofdeath99> or maybe stephan
<_Scorpion_666_> you are lost man.
<bringerofdeath99> lost highway
<bringerofdeath99> lol
<bringerofdeath99> you're a funny guy
<_Scorpion_666_> i think you are high right now man...you are sooooo lost.
<bringerofdeath99> dude you're the funniest
<_Scorpion_666_> what? why?
<bringerofdeath99> you should be on carson
<_Scorpion_666_> with carson daily?
<bringerofdeath99> of course
<bringerofdeath99> he's a funny guy, ain't he?
<_Scorpion_666_> na man, i'm too ugly to come out on tv!
<bringerofdeath99> shit, i bet you're one bad mofo
<_Scorpion_666_> na, im playing man.
<_Scorpion_666_> but i don't see the funny stuff.
<bringerofdeath99> i bet you're a scrapper
<_Scorpion_666_> scrapper?
<bringerofdeath99> you break bottles over your head and stuff
<_Scorpion_666_> what the--?
<bringerofdeath99> you're a killer
<bringerofdeath99> a fighter
<bringerofdeath99> a mono a mono type a guy
<_Scorpion_666_> mono?
<bringerofdeath99> fisticuffs
<_Scorpion_666_> seriously dude... are you high?
<bringerofdeath99> hell yes
<_Scorpion_666_> told ya!!!
<_Scorpion_666_> i knew it!!!
<bringerofdeath99> high on what a superstar ya are
<bringerofdeath99> i can hardly breath you're so famous
<_Scorpion_666_> you are on ecstasy aren't you?
<bringerofdeath99> i'm choking on your greatness right now (and i don't mean
it the way you think, sicko)
<_Scorpion_666_> you'd lough at anything right now man!
<bringerofdeath99> ecstasy shit
<bringerofdeath99> this is the brand new cut
<bringerofdeath99> whoop whoop whoop
<_Scorpion_666_> what the hell are you talking about...
<_Scorpion_666_> ?
<bringerofdeath99> there's some shit going down tonight
<bringerofdeath99> it's summertime man
<bringerofdeath99> time to par-tay!
<bringerofdeath99> right
<bringerofdeath99> ?
<_Scorpion_666_> yeah, bet you won't say that in winter time huh?
<bringerofdeath99> hell ya
<bringerofdeath99> well probably not
<bringerofdeath99> enjoy it while it lasts
<bringerofdeath99> i guess
<_Scorpion_666_> yeah, freezen your ass off in the white snow.
<_Scorpion_666_> singing christmas carols.
<bringerofdeath99> all high n shut
<bringerofdeath99> shit
<bringerofdeath99> down by the bridge
<_Scorpion_666_> that's probably the only way you won't feel the cold.
<bringerofdeath99> it's the brand new cut
<bringerofdeath99> whoop whoop whoop
<_Scorpion_666_> hey i have to go now alright ?
<_Scorpion_666_> sorry man.
<bringerofdeath99> shit, mofo don't even know when it's time to leave!
<_Scorpion_666_> it is so right now man...
<bringerofdeath99> walkin away lookin like shaft
<_Scorpion_666_> whew, im surprised you could type this well being that
hight on dope.
<bringerofdeath99> i'm the king crab baby
<bringerofdeath99> all pinchin n shit
<_Scorpion_666_> yeah, and im red lobster.
<bringerofdeath99> look out now
<bringerofdeath99> you and i must battle
<bringerofdeath99> you killed my father
<_Scorpion_666_> actually, humans are gonna eat us both.
<bringerofdeath99> the great whale methusala
<bringerofdeath99> said "humans are a acropius bunch, my lad"
<bringerofdeath99> an acropious i means
<bringerofdeath99> so anyways
<_Scorpion_666_> what?!!!!
<bringerofdeath99> nuthin
<bringerofdeath99> it's just the brand new cut
<bringerofdeath99> whoop whoop whoop
<bringerofdeath99> humans are gonna eat us?
<_Scorpion_666_> cut, what is this cut man? a sort of hair cut or something?
<_Scorpion_666_> you are a crab.. im a lobster.
<bringerofdeath99> a variation of the mullet
<_Scorpion_666_> they'll eat us.
<bringerofdeath99> thats right
<bringerofdeath99> oh shit
<bringerofdeath99> this is not good
<bringerofdeath99> we must join forces
<bringerofdeath99> and rebel
<_Scorpion_666_> yeah, it will give us an extra ten minutes of life huh?
<bringerofdeath99> against the great whale methusala
<bringerofdeath99> what?
<bringerofdeath99> well frann says hi
<bringerofdeath99> i gotta go
<bringerofdeath99> bye
<_Scorpion_666_> oookkk???
<bringerofdeath99> dude!