DANTE is bringerofdeath_00
<seewigman> hi !!!!!!!!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> what do you want?
<bringerofdeath_00> yeah, i'm talking to ya
<bringerofdeath_00> what's on your mind
<bringerofdeath_00> my hiddily hodilly hi guy
<seewigman> oh i am justsaying hi that's all.
<bringerofdeath_00> i got yer hi right here pal
<bringerofdeath_00> a/s/l?
<seewigman> i am a girl.
<bringerofdeath_00> that's cool
<bringerofdeath_00> so how are you?
<seewigman> u male?
<bringerofdeath_00> yessiree
<bringerofdeath_00> are u>
<seewigman> how old r u?
<bringerofdeath_00> ?
<bringerofdeath_00> 21
<bringerofdeath_00> u?
<seewigman> u in college?
<bringerofdeath_00> i'm on summer break at this moment in time.....
<bringerofdeath_00> why do you ask, my dear lady?
<seewigman> what college do u go to?
<bringerofdeath_00> Graceland
<seewigman> where is that at?
<bringerofdeath_00> Graceland U
<bringerofdeath_00> in Carolina
<bringerofdeath_00> by the hills
<seewigman> oh cool.
<bringerofdeath_00> and the trees
<seewigman> awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> and you?
<bringerofdeath_00> i know!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> what about you, there/
<bringerofdeath_00> ?
<seewigman> have u had sex before??????/
<bringerofdeath_00> no have you?
<bringerofdeath_00> will you teach me?
<bringerofdeath_00> can i call you mommy?
<bringerofdeath_00> tell me i'm bad, mommy
<bringerofdeath_00> jk
<bringerofdeath_00> dude
<bringerofdeath_00> are you still there?
<bringerofdeath_00> all right, you don't have to call me mommy
<seewigman> what is your definition of SEX? i just want to know.
<bringerofdeath_00> that's when the thing thang goes pop
<bringerofdeath_00> that's what my dad told me
<seewigman> why r u calling me mommy and daddy?
<bringerofdeath_00> ooops, case of mistaken identity there. i duely
<seewigman> oh ok.
<seewigman> do u have a girlfriend?
<bringerofdeath_00> are you a girl....?
<seewigman> yes!!!!!! i am a girl.
<bringerofdeath_00> want to hear a joke?
<seewigman> answer my question PLEEEEEEAAAASE.
<seewigman> yes i want to here a joke.
<bringerofdeath_00> you don't want to hear a joke?
<bringerofdeath_00> you do?
<seewigman> yes i do.
<bringerofdeath_00> well what's the difference a roast beef sandwich and my
<seewigman> i don't know/ .......................what????
<bringerofdeath_00> wanna come over for lunch?
<seewigman> i don't get it.
<bringerofdeath_00> ho boy.....
<seewigman> tell me.
<seewigman> i don't get it.
<bringerofdeath_00> how old are you?
<seewigman> 17.
<bringerofdeath_00> cool
<seewigman> do u want to here a joke???????//
<bringerofdeath_00> you seriously don't get that joke?
<seewigman> no?
<seewigman> wanna here a joke???????
<bringerofdeath_00> <bringerofdeath_00> well what's the difference a roast
beef sandwich and my cock? <bringerofdeath_00> wanna come over for lunch?
<bringerofdeath_00> yes tell me
<seewigman> oh i get it now.
<seewigman> ok.
<bringerofdeath_00> A HA HA
<bringerofdeath_00> tell me your joke
<seewigman> what do u get when u cross a male and a female.
<bringerofdeath_00> i give up....
<seewigman> they start having SEX together.
<seewigman> i made it up>
<bringerofdeath_00> i seriously believe that's the funniest joke i've ever
<bringerofdeath_00> lol
<seewigman> lol.
<seewigman> ha ha ha
<bringerofdeath_00> ho boy.....
<bringerofdeath_00> do you have any others?
<seewigman> my name is Courtney.
<bringerofdeath_00> i bet you're really pretty......
<seewigman> i am .
<bringerofdeath_00> jk
<seewigman> does jk stand for "joking"
<bringerofdeath_00> that's not a very funny joke
<bringerofdeath_00> just kidding.....
<seewigman> what does jk stand for?
<bringerofdeath_00> just kidding!!!!
<seewigman> oh.
<bringerofdeath_00> hi courtney
<seewigman> hi !!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> are you shy?
<seewigman> nope!!!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> you seem shy
<seewigman> why do u ask that????????
<bringerofdeath_00> are u sure you're not shy?
<seewigman> no why?
<bringerofdeath_00> just wonderin
<bringerofdeath_00> how are things where you are?
<bringerofdeath_00> there ya go again.....
<bringerofdeath_00> blow me off, fine
<bringerofdeath_00> i understand how it is
<bringerofdeath_00> hmmmmmmmmm
<bringerofdeath_00> i'll just ignore him.....
<bringerofdeath_00> i'm just trying to be nice
<bringerofdeath_00> i'm not a freak
<bringerofdeath_00> i swear?
<seewigman> oh i was out side for a minute talking to buck>
<seewigman> please don't be mad at me.
<seewigman> u there.
<seewigman> hello u there??????????
<seewigman> do u have a girlfriend?
<bringerofdeath_00> no do you?
<seewigman> hello????????
<bringerofdeath_00> no do you?
<seewigman> well, i have a boyfriend and his name is Jimmy fainter.
<bringerofdeath_00> is he conscious right now?
<seewigman> what day is it there?
<bringerofdeath_00> Friday, why?
<bringerofdeath_00> u need to go somewhere?
<seewigman> i mean like what month is it there?
<bringerofdeath_00> it's like June
<bringerofdeath_00> first day of summer
<bringerofdeath_00> or was that yesterday?
<bringerofdeath_00> mommy?
<seewigman> oh cool because here it is also June . it is June 22.
<bringerofdeath_00> what world are you transmitting from?
<bringerofdeath_00> are you like swedish?
<seewigman> wha t do u mean?
<bringerofdeath_00> as in you live in Switzerland
<seewigman> no i am not swedish?
<bringerofdeath_00> oh, you sounded like it
<seewigman> no i don't live in Switzerland.
<bringerofdeath_00> does your boyfriend do naughty things
<bringerofdeath_00> ?
<seewigman> no.
<bringerofdeath_00> in Switzerland?
<seewigman> no.
<bringerofdeath_00> ok
<bringerofdeath_00> just checkin
<bringerofdeath_00> what kind of relationship is that?
<bringerofdeath_00> are you from China?
<bringerofdeath_00> i like people in china
<bringerofdeath_00> mommy?