DANTE is bringerofdeath_00
<bringerofdeath_00> what are your
favorite alternative bands?
<AllNllGllEllLll> limp bizkit
<AllNllGllEllLll> greenday
<bringerofdeath_00> that's it?
<AllNllGllEllLll> blink 182
<bringerofdeath_00> i
<bringerofdeath_00> see
<AllNllGllEllLll> thats about it
<bringerofdeath_00> really?
<bringerofdeath_00> you don't like any others?
<AllNllGllEllLll> i like others but those r my favs
<bringerofdeath_00> oh
<bringerofdeath_00> do you like sir mix a lot?
<bringerofdeath_00> he's a rapper
<bringerofdeath_00> !
<AllNllGllEllLll> not really
<bringerofdeath_00> he gets down with his bad self
<AllNllGllEllLll> lol
<AllNllGllEllLll> how old r u again?
<bringerofdeath_00> how could you not like sir mix a lot
<bringerofdeath_00> i'm 18
<bringerofdeath_00> and you?
<bringerofdeath_00> sir mix a lot's got that one song!
<AllNllGllEllLll> 16
<bringerofdeath_00> cool
<AllNllGllEllLll> which 1
<bringerofdeath_00> i know lots of people who are 16
<bringerofdeath_00> from florida
<bringerofdeath_00> where in florida?
<bringerofdeath_00> i'm originally from new your
<bringerofdeath_00> new york
<bringerofdeath_00> i went to this rave and they played sir mix a lot all
<bringerofdeath_00> it was the bomb!
<bringerofdeath_00> i think the name of his most famous song was baby got
<AllNllGllEllLll> ooooooooooh!!!!!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> it was followed up by the lesser known baby got nuts
<AllNllGllEllLll> alright ya i kno him
<bringerofdeath_00> that one didn't do too good
<bringerofdeath_00> but still a classic
<bringerofdeath_00> do you go to raves in florida?
<bringerofdeath_00> hello?
<AllNllGllEllLll> im not old enough
<bringerofdeath_00> to go to raves?
<bringerofdeath_00> anyone can go to raves
<bringerofdeath_00> fine, i guess i'll just be going.....
<AllNllGllEllLll> no i cant go to raves
<AllNllGllEllLll> !
<bringerofdeath_00> why?
<AllNllGllEllLll> u have to have an id
<bringerofdeath_00> what kind of raves do you have in florida!?
<AllNllGllEllLll> what do u mean what kind?
<bringerofdeath_00> is the kind with smoke
<bringerofdeath_00> ?
<bringerofdeath_00> are there wheels in florida?
<bringerofdeath_00> are you ignoring me now?
<AllNllGllEllLll> no
<bringerofdeath_00> so are there?
<AllNllGllEllLll> im looking up anti-britney spears pages
<AllNllGllEllLll> what cars??
<bringerofdeath_00> you don't like britney?
<bringerofdeath_00> no, silly
<bringerofdeath_00> you're funny
<AllNllGllEllLll> i hate her!!!!!!!!!!
<AllNllGllEllLll> shes such a whore
<AllNllGllEllLll> u dont like her do u???
<bringerofdeath_00> not if she's a whore
<bringerofdeath_00> i don't like whores very much
<bringerofdeath_00> you don't like whores do you?
<AllNllGllEllLll> i just hate HER period
<bringerofdeath_00> o
<AllNllGllEllLll> my and my friend amanda are gonna run her over with a
<AllNllGllEllLll> ~!
<bringerofdeath_00> do it!
<AllNllGllEllLll> and shoot down justin
<bringerofdeath_00> hey now you don't think timberlakes cute?
<bringerofdeath_00> that would have to be a big truck!!!
<AllNllGllEllLll> ya hes hot but i still hate him
<bringerofdeath_00> i think he's ugly
<bringerofdeath_00> U-G-L-Y
<AllNllGllEllLll> if he didnt sing bye bye bye i would like him
<bringerofdeath_00> ugly
<AllNllGllEllLll> rnt u a guy anyways
<bringerofdeath_00> sir mix a lot sings a song called bye bye bye
<bringerofdeath_00> yes, i'm a guy, i was just sayin justins ugly
<bringerofdeath_00> i'm gonna run him down with a truck
<bringerofdeath_00> you wanna ride a long?
<AllNllGllEllLll> oooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> then we'll hit up britney on the way back
<AllNllGllEllLll> ur gay!!!!!!!!!!
<bringerofdeath_00> sir mix a lot sings a song called ur gay
<bringerofdeath_00> i don't like it that much
<bringerofdeath_00> but since it's sir mix a lot
<bringerofdeath_00> ......
<bringerofdeath_00> hello?
<AllNllGllEllLll> .....
<AllNllGllEllLll> r u seriously gay
<bringerofdeath_00> did i say i was gay?
<bringerofdeath_00> i said i think justin is ugly
<bringerofdeath_00> that doesn't make a guy gay, does it?
<bringerofdeath_00> i don't think so
<bringerofdeath_00> i love women i swear!
<AllNllGllEllLll> ITS SAID "IMA GUY"
<AllNllGllEllLll> SORRY!
<AllNllGllEllLll> MY B
<bringerofdeath_00> just cause i'm a guy doesn't mean i'm gay
<bringerofdeath_00> what are you one of those porn activists?
<AllNllGllEllLll> NO!
<bringerofdeath_00> ok then
<bringerofdeath_00> what are you saying
<AllNllGllEllLll> DAMN
<bringerofdeath_00> what?
<bringerofdeath_00> so how about those porn activists in florida!?
<bringerofdeath_00> i suppose you wouldn't have any clue about that......
<bringerofdeath_00> i know a gay guy
<bringerofdeath_00> do you know any gay guys?
<bringerofdeath_00> i think he's cool
<bringerofdeath_00> he helps me pick out clothes when i go shopping
<bringerofdeath_00> o
<bringerofdeath_00> you should tho
<AllNllGllEllLll> im definately an eminem supporter
<bringerofdeath_00> what does that have to do with shopping with gay guys
<bringerofdeath_00> ?