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~ResTraiNiNg HoLLyWooD is Located in Minneapolis/St.Paul, Minnesota. We Specialize in Dark Comedies Using Local Talented Actors and Musicians. If you're sick of the Same old Sappy, Crappy Big-Budget, Cliche Hollywood Films then look no Further!!! It all started in the fall of 03'...A simple idea made up by Braden Palmer & Brandon VanVliet to make indie films. They made "Up North" June of 04' & released it Halloween Night 04'. "Up North" got them some Cult-Status in the Twin Cities area. The same time "Up North" was in production SkagNetti went to Brando with a Brilliant idea for a movie. So they started shooting their next film "People Talk" in June of 05'. After months of hiatus & a VERY Brutal winter "PeopLe TaLk" was finally released on Aug.25th of 06'. The Release party was a HUGE Success!!!! Right now the Boys are Just Layin' Low & Throwin' Film Parties @ Theaters, Clubs n' Venues all over The Cities w/Live Bands. "PeopLe TaLk" Should be available on DVD in Jan. We're also workin' with alot of local Artists/Bands filmin' their shows, Makin' em' DVDs for their promotional purposes. If you're interested in having this done, just shoot us a message! *Then We Start Shooting our 1st Feature Length Film "Trust Me" in May-June of 07'!!!


Copyright 2004-2007 Restraining Hollywood.  All rights reserved.  Website by BlackOgre Productions.