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~Restraining Hollywood is gearing up and getting ready to shoot their 3rd film "Trust Me". Pre-Production for this monster project has been going on since March. It took Brandon & Aaron a little under a month to write the script. In the end it ended up being a 108 pages long & when all is said and done it should be a 2 hr. movie in completion. 50 different people were casted for all the parts. There will be lots of brand new faces and of course some of your old favorites too. The film will be jam-packed with Dark-Comedy, Drama, Murder-Mystery & loads of Shock-factor. It will also feature lots of great music from local artists and other bands/artists around the country. The 1st day of shooting is set for May12th & we'll  be filming until the end of June. There will be plenty of pictures from The making of  "Trust Me" coming to the website soon so stay tuned and see some of the madness in progress....Ha!


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