I love making these. The
results are spectacular. I've made 62 so far, I can't stop, it's too
much fun, and the possibilities are endless. Smokey, ghostlike and
exquisitely beautiful. I had just posters until recently, when I
decided to start putting them on all products a little bit at a time.
The categories that have all products are split into ShatterLinez Gear
and ShatterLinez Posters. |
Rorschach Inkblots
I have put
up 6 different versions: Those with just the picture, those with
the picture and what most people think they are, the inkblots all fractal'd out,
colored collage of single designs, colored collaged of single designs
with a title, and 10 different collages of all, with 2 prominent in the
center so each single design is prominent on at least 2.
Each design can be found on all products.
Hawt pinup girls from the 20s. 12
Different designs, both normal and fractal blur, a standalone design
called Girls Girls Girls! - which features many different smaller pinup
girls in one huge collage.
Unique and wonderful and beautifully
rendered nebulae/sun/space art depicting alternate universes and
different planes of existence. 9 different designs. |
13 different crazy designs, this picks up
where SYSTEM left off. Insane alternate dimensions. |
Snow Hunter
A snow leopard manipulated and made all trippy. Check the 6 different styles out! |
4 great neony light designs to make you
remember your raver days or to get you amped for tonight's rave.
Flower Implosion
An experiment. I took the neon
flowers from my Happy Mothers Day cards (which I have since gotten rid
of because I had like 3 views on em in a year and a half and they just
were cluttering up my store) and superimposed them with the AlienUniverse chaos. 7 different designs.
Comes in a Collage of all and 6 single
Strange Lakes sent through the fractal
process. 8 different designs. |
Several different girl's faces fractaled
to Albuquerque and back. 7 different designs.
AngryBot LoveBot
One's really mad and looks like it wants
to destroy you. One's holding a heart and looking like it wants
you to love it. It's a hard choice. |
Dutch Ceramic Tiles
A great design I found from an old book
out of copyright. Very detailed and lovely. |
Forlorn Sovereign
A disturbing tree on a winter's night. |
Neony butterflies that look absolutely
beautiful on all products. 4 different designs. |
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt pictures that are actually
from ancient Egypt times!
Crazy line imagery that looks fantastic on
all products, but especially shoes and ties. Gotta check it out!
Living Landscapez
My adventures with Bryce 6.0. 3
different designs so far, but I hope to add more in the future.
Bryce is amazing!
The Stock Exchange
You cannot hide from the... uh, Stock
Exchange... Comes in a variety of different styles. A
moonlit sky with solid background, solid colors with no background so
whatever background color you choose shows through, a weird circly
background, and some collages.
The Displacer
Odd crazy cat displacing itself.
Located in the Destroyed By Design category. |
A Tree
A tree I took a picture of. You can
add your own words via the customization option at Zazzle. Make it
a lovely motivational statement. Or some sort of religious thing.
Or a declaration for how much you love somebody. I have also done
a few sample quotes, just to show it off, but you may like those as
well. |
The world - bitomized! Comes in
large bits and small bits. |
I took an old kissy photo and fractaled
the frick out of it. It looks sick! |
Dangerous silver balls with red eyes.
Update: run for your life. |
Deformed Robot
A picture of a robot that I distorted and
traced over in photoshop. |
Weirdo persian rug fx |
An i and a heart which I then washed. |
Super weirdo persian rug fx again. |
Little Man In A Web
Another weirdo persian rug effected pic,
it turned out to look kinda like a little man caught in the center of a
web. I dunno what the other white things are. |
Cyborg computers that just wanna be
Old pictures of ladies in dresses which I
then washed. Looking good ladies!
These little sheep made for a great design
=) |
Several designs of black shadowy figures.
Look good on pretty much anything!
The White Rabbit
The white rabbit don't care. The
white rabbit don't give a shit. |
I was trying to recreate this awesome
poster hanging behind this electronica musician I saw in a picture.
Kinda worked. |
I make electronica. This is some of
the artwork for my cds and other promotional stuff. |
3 different styles of color burned tribal
snowflakes. |
Punk Rock Pandas!
2 different kinds of punk rock pandas! |
6 different Angel designs, used to be just
posters and business cards, but I have since put them on all products! Beautifully rendered, dark and creepy at the same time. |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Posters
Currently 71 to choose from, many
different styles and artwork! I saw the new Disney one and it's
really good. But this is not connected to that in any way.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Other
Stuff Nothing to do with Disney's
movie, but still awesome nonetheless. Several different designs. |
4 different types of tribal Dragons! |
The Heretic
Creepy fleshy tunnely thingy. |
Background Noize
A Huge new line, a ton of different
designs. Eerie and creepy, beautiful and mindblowing, you gotta
check these out! 46 different designs so far!
Rocketz! Located in the Destroyed By
Design category.
Weird nuclear reaction diagrams.
Located in the Destroyed By Design category.
Again something to do with nuclear
reactions. Located in the Destroyed By Design category.
Glowy neony ball in a pair of hands.
Have a ball with ChaosBall! You be ballin' with a ChaosBall shirt.
People would most definitely think you were going balls to the walls
with a ChoasBall poster. Ok, that's all I got... |
Something about this kid doesn't seem
quite.. *ZAP* |
ElectricBoy's big sister. 2
different backgrounds. |
Herbert Railton
An old artist who did amazingly detailed
works. Check it out. Several different designs. |
Dark skull imagery. Very cool! |
Very odd, disregard the zazzle thingy over
it, that of course won't be on it, but check it out because there's more
to it then it actually seems. |
Wrath Of Grapes
Sinister-looking grape spinny thing with
crazy background. I don't know either, just buy it. |
Disturbing picture that resulted from lack
of sleep and too much free time with photoshop. Idk wtf it is, but
it's creepy. |
Very odd tumbling mass of colors of what
looks to be black barbed wire. Buy it so I don't feel so strange
for making it. |
Strange Paintings sent through the fractal
process. |
YouMa Baby
3 Different Kinds - YouMa Regular Baby all
fractaled out, YouMa Collage Baby, which is a collage of all the fractal
babies, and YouMa Alien Baby, which is an alien baby all fractaled out.
Used to play this game on my old Atari
2600. I had the attachable front for the ColecoVision. I
played this game to death. Level 3 all the way! Did you know
this game contained the first Easter Egg ever? |
Abstract Universes and Alternate Planes of
Existence. |
Bear Country - Prepare to Die
A bear standing up. Prepare to die. |
Bear Army
Tiny killer bears in the alpha 419'er
formation. |
City Burning.
Dark and morbid pic of a city on fire with
red fire. The worst kind. |
The Winding Worm
4 different styles. An odd winding
tribal art worm. |
Tribal tiger face art in 2 different
styles. |
10 different designs of numbers numbering
1 through 12. The colors are what are cool about these, check em
out. Maybe get em for a child's room?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Disgusting but cool at the same time haha. |
The Loneliest Clown
Hey, it's me! =) Taken around
halloween 2001, it took me about an hour and a half to put all that
makeup on. It was a great party!
Halloween 2010, 2011, 2012, whatever
Some awesome Halloween designs. Comes
on a variety of products.