BlackOgre Online SuperStore On FaceBook! - please like me on
facebook, if you have a store I will like you back =)!
Online SuperStore - Over 23,000 products ranging from abstract
art to political to nerdy to humorous!
- Dark, gothic inspired artwork!
BlackOgre Online
iSuperStore - My artwork on hardcover cases for iPhones, iPads,
and Doodle USB Speakers!
Right On The
Monet - The paintings of Claude Monet from 1862-1926 on
shirts, posters, cards, mugs, and more. (work in progress)
8 Ways
To Promote Your Zazzle Store - 8 Glorious ways to promote your
Zazzle Store, all free, all easy
Zazzle QuickList - The fastest way to see all products!
IBB: I've Been BeZaZZled - Each week I find the greatest
artists on Zazzle and make a Squidoo lens featuring their top 10
on that specific date and also 4 honorable mentions, things that
are not in the top 10 but I really like anyways. Then after
4 weeks I do an IBB Extras, where I feature the 4 previous week's
artists with 10 more designs each. You can vote on which
design you like the most in the individual and for each of the 10
designs in the Extras issue. In the Extras you can also vote
for which artist you like the most out of the 4.
to the first one ||
Go to my WordPress page that lists all issues
Twitter - Follow
me on Twitter, I mostly promote my store and new products, plus
YouTube videos I like and FaceBook Fan Club auto-updates!
Zazzle Coupons -
Zazzle is always running promotions, whether it's free shipping on
all orders for a weekend or its 10%, 15%, 20% off mugs or shirts
or posters or whatever they feel like for a week or longer.
Some run all month! |