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I started making music almost 11
years now. It started with Acid Pro, but more recently
I've gotten into Reason, Fruity Loops, Wavlab, Cool Edit Pro, whatever I can
get my hands on.
: : :

Please Insert Me.
First Full Length Retail
Album. Out Very Soon! Watch the
videos, check out my
to preview the full album.
Update 2012: Still
procrastinating on this one. Hopefully one day it
will be released. You can still listen to it on my
website! |

Feels Like 0.
First Retail EP Release.
62 minutes long, for only $3.99. If you like what
I do
please support me. |

Traitor of the 9 Moons.
An album that I've been
making for a long time (too long.) Frankly I don't
know what to do with it. It's 2 discs long and a
bunch of old stuff that I started right after "Music To
Drown Your Wife To" So it's way old and I don't
really like it, but I'd hate to scrap it after all the
work I put into it. Edit: Problem solved -
harddrive crashed in 2009 and I lost most of it.
Have some single songs, but the rest is gone never to be
heard from again. Careful for what you wish for
Update 2012: I put
the songs that I still had together free for download on
the site. As I didn't have any of the files any
longer, I just took the songs I had rendered and
mastered them as best I could.
I made a little online
book that tells what was to be the story behind the Traitor of the 9
Moons. It is an epic tale of romance, happiness
and eventually defeat.
Check It Out. |

Music To Drown Your
Wife To.
This album is almost 10
years old now, but probably the best of the free albums
I have to offer. I don't think I could ever sell
it, too many samples used and what not. I really
do like this album and it's still very good for being so
old. It's this album that made me think I could do
this more than a nerdy hobby, I could actually get quite
good someday (edit: still working on that =P.) All the song titles are taken in
some way shape or form from anime movies. Yes I'm
a nerd. |

Ancient Teachings.
I made this album as filler songs for the
DJs at Deja Vu, a place I used to work. They are all about 3
minutes long, which worked well for in between sets or for lapdance
time. I'm not sure if they still use them, but I know for a fact
they use NeoTokyo from Music To Drown Your Wife To - a lot of girls like
to dance to that song. ROFL, if I don't accomplish anything else,
at least I have my short lived strip club fame and fond memories. |

What Am I, A Bad Guy?
Rodney Dangerfield says this to his
daughter Juliette Lewis during one of thier scenes together in Natural
Born Killers. I was on a huge NBK kick when I first started making
music. I felt that since my name was Skagnetti, I should get as
many tongue in cheek jokes in about that movie as possible. The
guy who showed me Acid Pro, which is what I used started making music
with, was named Sean Mueller. A group of about 6 of us including
him and me used to watch this movie religiously - almost every day
during the summer of 95. That and Friday, lol. |

Skagnetti on Skagnetti - Check It Out
The title is a quote from Natural Born
Killers, er, well I thought it was. It's when he's talking about
his book, I thought he said that, but he says something else, but it's
very close to that. Anyways this is my first album, I made it
rather quickly. I had my wisdom teeth out and was all f'd up on
vicodin when I made the song "Wisdom Teeth". "Summer Majestika" was
for my friend who decided to beat every Castlevania one summer. He
succeeded except for one that was on a rare japanese computer platform,
he couldn't get his hands on one. "Saul Braun (South Bronx)" has a
sample that I used about 6 months before J.Lo used it on one of her
songs. Beyond that, you can tell it's my first album. |

The People Talk Halloween Compilation.
We made this for Restraining Hollywood's
People Talk Halloween Party. The party sucked. The music
ruled. I made "Backstabbing Lie Machines" for the album. I don't know how
many people I've had to tell 'No! The song is Not About You!' |

People Talk Soundtrack.
More Restraining Hollywood stuff. It
was the soundtrack to the movie I co-wrote, produced directed, filmed, acted in, and did all of the editing for, and used like 8 of my songs
for, and made the website for. Me Me ME!
I got a couple songs onto the soundtrack,
including "Tokeatron", there's a fucking A before the tron, Joel.
Good job fucking up the easiest thing you could possibly get assigned. |

I collaborated on one of the songs -
'MN8'. Check out his myspace to hear his songs. Crazy
Kraftwerk kind of shit. This collaboration marks the first time I
ever used Reason. I've been in love ever since. O, and it's
my first collaboration... |
DJ.SKagNetti Gear
Check out this great gear and other
artwork I've done on Zazzle.
I only recently started making
music videos for myself. I made them with Adobe
Premiere, and used clips from archive.org.
2 of these are from my next
album "Please Insert Me", and the Just Walken was just for
fun. Check em out:
Fuck Like A Whisper.
This video took forever to
make, but I'm glad with the way it turned out. |
Dark Chaos.
This one was a bit faster,
it cuts on every beat so that took a while. I may
redo it a bit next year when I release "Please Insert
Me." The ending is kinda messed up, but nobody has
said anything about it so maybe I'll leave it. |
Just Walken.
I made this song about 4
years ago, it was originally intended for Traitor of the
9 Moons, but I at one time planned to sell Tot9M, and
there was no way I could get away with selling this.
I still think it's hilarious. |
October 2012